The prosecution had charged the convict with passing derogatory remarks about the Holy Prophet (PBUH) in a letter he sent to complainant Haji Mehmood Zafar, secretary general, Aujuman Ashait-e-Islam. The court upheld the charge and observed that Kenneth defiled the sacred name of the Holy Prophet
He said that under article 51, subsection 2A of the Islamic republic of Pakistan constitution of 1973 minorities have been allocated the 10 seats in national assembly of Pakistan on multiple systems under joint elections. By the 8th amendment in constitution the joint elections were replaced by the
A fresh sub-clause introduced into the government-crafted Election Order stipulates that only those candidates who have passed their graduation can contest seats in the federal parliament and provincial assemblies. Neither the Sheikupura-born Qaiser nor Jacob was available for comment on their disqu
Residents say the wall, erected four days ago under the nose of the army's guard commander on the compound, is the handiwork of a former watchman who has illegally occupied part of the compound. They claim that Iftikhar Ahmed erected the wall ahead of what they suspect to be a well-orchestrated plan
Speaking at the Minority Leaders Conference, organized by the Movement for Minority Representation in Parliament at Darul Khushnud, they said that they supported the joint electorate system that had been recently reintroduced, as the minority communities had been brought back in the political mainst
It will also be responsible for half of all the golden handshake funds that staff made redundant will be entitled to-a denationalization condition that has frightened away most former school owners. CBE officials say their board functions as a charitable trust that depends on public donations for it
Kingri Masih, a former Christina embraced Islam but then rev=converted to Christianity that is considered " Apostasy". This hurt a feeling of local Muslim Mr. Rana Nisar Ahamad who is who is an official of sunni Tehreek. He filed a case against Kingri Masih for denial of Islam and making derogatory
PAS, the largest opposition party in Malaysia, wants to see the country (traditionally one of the most moderate nations in the Muslim world) transformed into an Islamic state governed by Shari'ah law. PAS already controls Kelantan and Terengganu, two of Malaysia's thirteen states. An earlier attem
The recent wave of fundamentalism among Muslims is such Indian states are alarming for the secular India. The killings of Christians and burning of missionaries by the militant Hindu groups have been witnessed in many other Indian provinces but south Indian states were taken as peaceful and friendly
The government of Pakistan was leading the international community to revive the image of Pakistan as peace loving nation with commitment to justice and peace values rejecting the views to express Islam being message of hate and threat to peace. The peace in cage during these crucial period claimed
The Christian inhabitants of Shahpur Sadar were also leased the agriculture lands for their livings but after the independence of Pakistan in 1947 the same agriculture lands were leased to Muslim immigrants from eastern Punjab and Christians were forced to do the jobs of sanitary workers in the muni
The Christian husband sold out his all assets and paid the sum of 45000 Rupees in 2000 to the Muslim landlord and waited for the release of his wife and family but till this day that family is in custody of that feudal lord as bonded labour. There are many other Hindu families as bonded labour in th
The radicals' fusion of Hinduism with nationalism-Hindutva-has struck primarily at Muslims, but violence against Christians also has surged this year. Attacks on Christians occur weekly, The Washington Times noted on February 25. In one case, militants shot two church workers and a teenage boy; in a
He said that to seek assurances of employment for Bughti tribe in Sui gas field is their legitimate right and present government is supposed to deliver employment to the sacked Bughti labors. He said the deployment of armed forces and due threat of operation in the Dera Bughti is not the solution of
Today we live in a time, when the life form of the human Geno, is described on genetic codes, and highly intelligent computers determine the survival rate, every moment of existence is based on the theoretical interpretation of Biological Change; we are cloning ourselves with outpouring information,

On demand of our readers, I have decided to release E-Book version of "Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" on website of PCP which can also be viewed on website of Pakistan Christian Congress . You can read chapter wise by clicking tab on left handside of PDF format of E-Book.