
The lives, property, honour of Christians are as sacred as those of Muslims. Dr. Qadri

Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri began his talk by reciting from the Holy Bible. He emphasized on the fact that the Bible in his hand was his personal copy, every page of which is full of study notes which he made over thirty years ago when he carried out a comprehensive study of the Holy Bible. He said that the t


60 evicted homeless Christians families resettlement plan in jeopardy after demand of Church plot. By Robin Fernandez. PCP. Karachi Bureau report.

Their church is likely to be the first among seven churches and two chapels to be torn down ahead of the Lyari expressway's construction. Members of the displaced families say most of them had to spend a week out in the open. "It took a week for us to find lodgings elsewhere. We slept amid the ruin


Any Muslim political party has not issued any party ticket to minority leader on general seats under joint elections. Nazir Bhatti

Mr. Bhatti said that slogan of joint elections to bring minorities in the mainstream of life, as equal citizen was only to deceive the minorities and capture their vote bank only. Now Muslim leaders are bargaining for large amount of sums of money for the selection of reserved seats in parliament be


PCC, PACC, PCA and IF on anniversary of 9/11, pay tributes to the victims of terrorist attacks.

Christian leaders condemned the terrorist forces and their target of innocent people in US and vowed that they are in unity to end terrorism from globe with the people of United States. They affirmed that cowardly attacks of terrorists and their threats could never be successful to damage the freedo


37th Pakistan Defence day Commemorated by Christian. The days remembered when Christians were War heroes and raised to commanding ranks before 1973 black laws. By Robin Fernandez. PCP Karachi Bureau

At a meeting held to commemorate the 37th Defence Day of Pakistan, members of the Conscience group cited the contributions of six Christian officers of the Pakistan Air Force in preserving the Territorial sovereignty and integrity of Pakistan.

A special paper, based on an article appearing in


An open letter to UN Secretary General.

His Excellency,
I the undersigned, Nazir S Bhatti, Chief of Pakistan Christian congress, on behalf of 15 million Christians of Pakistan, wish to draw your kind attention on the implementation of recent electoral amendments, imposition of joint election system, reduction in reserved seats in nationa


Militants attack another Presbyterian Church in Karachi By Robin Fernandez. PCP

Police sources said the intruders used a sophisticated tool to slice open the bottom latches on both the front gate and the main church door. "A sharp saw-like object was used to cut the latches so they would not have to bother about the locks," said a police official who asked not to be named. "Thi


We strongly condemn the killing of Suleman Masih by armed forces firing in Okara. Nazir Bhatti.

Mr. Nazir S Bhatti said that this lower grade of professions of Sanitary worker was performed by Muslims and lower class Hindus in Pakistan and that Muslim sanitary workers were known ad Deendars in Punjab who were not Christians but Muslims and none of Christian was in this profession of cleaning o


WEA Religious Liberty Commission on Christian Persecution updates in Pakistan, India, Turkey, Indonesia, Sudan and Nigeria. Johan Candelin, Director of WEA. USA

In addition, Indonesia's parliament -- the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) -- held its annual session from August 1-10. Several contentious issues were Indonesian Constitution in relation to debated, including whether or not to amend the religion and introduce the "Jakarta Charter" which would


Vatican decorated writer K.M. Soomro joins Pakistan Christian Congress. PCP Report.

In welcome message to Mr. K. M. Soomro on joining Pakistan Christian Congress, the PCC chief Nazir S Bhatti said that now PCC is stronger in Sindh Province than before and even in Pakistan. PCC Punjab Council Chairman Professor Salamat Akhter, PCC advisor to President Mr. Salim Balouch, PCC Sindh Ch


Pakistani Christians pushed to bonded political slavery by the joint elections with amendments in peoples representation act. Nazir Bhatti.

Mr. Nazir S Bhatti said that it's not a democratic process in any term that Christians may vote for Muslim candidates and the Muslims may select their representation in parliament. He said it shall be an imposed leadership of Muslims on the Christians and shall provide chance to reach in parliament


Pakistani Christian in Holland presented memorandum during peaceful protest against Murree and Taxila incidents. PCP report by Watson Gill and Samson Shahzad.

Its very important and unique protest staged by the Pakistani Christians in Holland that they observed the Independence Day of Pakistan as the Black Day in Holland on August 14. To mark the protest against the laws turning them to be second-class citizens in the state.

The Pakistan Christians vow


Adoption of Objective Resolution as preamble of constitution was mistake. Nazir Bhatti<br>Christian live in fear in Pakistan on live interviews to Caravan Radio Canada and WMCA Radio NY

He said that this constitution preamble encouraged the military ruler Zia Ul Haq to introduce the Prohibition and HUD ordinance of president order no4 of 1979 to implement Islamic laws. In the light of this preamble the majority of Muslim sects planned to introduce their own laws causing conflict am


Ayub Masih acquitted by Supreme Court of Pakistan after six years under blasphemy.<br>By Robin Fernandez. PCP Karachi Bureau report.

Ayub Masih, 31, had been living in prison for almost six years, although his sentencing was widely challenged by human rights groups, Christian clergymen and lay persons. Within nine days of Masih's sentencing on April 27, 1998, Catholic Bishop of Faisalabad John Joseph committed suicide to protest


"Terrorist attacks not tolerable on Pakistani Christians". Demonstrators chant slogans before UN New York. PCP report.

Talking to the PCP, the chief of PCA and IF Mr. William Shahzad and Nisar Khan said that despite of Pakistani missions in New York to threaten the Pakistani Christians that names of demonstrators shall be forwarded to the government of Pakistan for action against their relatives in Pakistan and demo

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"Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" By Nazir S Bhatti

On demand of our readers, I have decided to release E-Book version of "Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" on website of PCP which can also be viewed on website of Pakistan Christian Congress . You can read chapter wise by clicking tab on left handside of PDF format of E-Book. ,