
Women's ordination is not authorized by the Bible.

[The UPCP] will keep the fight on till the bishop repents and the court gives him due punishment under the law." He claimed that "the radical feminist movement, homosexuality and lesbianism -- all approved by World Council of Churches -- are linked to this [women's ordination]." Nasir claims that


<b>Daniel Scott, a Blasphemy Victim, on Evangelical tour of North America.</b>

In his sermon, sharing his victimization, he told the congregation that his true story is an example about caring of Jesus for human beings.

Mr. Daniel Scott who is the one of them who has been victimized under blasphemy law in Sohany Dhartty Pakistan. Mr. Daniel Scott is among the first ones tri


<b>Presbyterian church voted in favor of homosexual's marriages.</b>

The vote is a victory for the liberal side in the conflict over homosexuality that has divided U.S. Presbyterians for 24 years. The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) has 3.6 million members.
The result was announced on the Internet news site, which has closely monitored the voting. The of


Indo Pak united church of Christ inaugurated in New York. . June 23,2001.

Mr. Skinder Samuel is son of famous pastor of' church of Pakistan' Mr. Emmanuel. His efforts came true on establishment of this new church.
The newly elected board of directors, Mr. Yaboob Bhatti Mr. Maqsood ul Haque, Dr Edger Wilson, Ms Salma Shaheen, Shahid khokhar and Bahawal Bhatti welcomed the


F.D Kandara on tour of. North America Participated in international conference in U.K.Los Angles.<br>June, 23,2001.

In United Kingdom, Mr. F.D kandara, participated in an international conference on 'expression of the Asian christian for justice, peace and love' organized by the United Kingdom Asian Christian fellowship. The president and secretary general of fellowship Rev. Isaac Masih and yaqoob Masih welcomed

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"Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" By Nazir S Bhatti

On demand of our readers, I have decided to release E-Book version of "Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" on website of PCP which can also be viewed on website of Pakistan Christian Congress . You can read chapter wise by clicking tab on left handside of PDF format of E-Book. ,