
AIDS response caught in a debt trap. By SHOBHA SHUKLA

When countries are unable to repay debts, domestic financing for health, education or social protection gets slashed which disproportionately affects the already impoverished and marginalised communities in the Global South. Richer nations and financial institutions of the Global North have relen


No one is immune to antimicrobial resistance. By SHOBHA SHUKLA

"Even the healthiest amongst us could face a life-threatening situation through a minor injury, routine surgery, or common lung infection, if antimicrobials fail,” said Dr Rajesh Sambhajirao Pandav, World Health Organization (WHO) Representative to Nepal. “For those with pre-exis


Sheikh Hasina irresponsibly shouldn’t leave Hindus and Awami League members & supporters at the mercy of blood thirsty criminals in Bangladesh. By Hem Raj Jain

India committed blunder by helping Bangladesh Army in removing Sheikh Hasina from Bangladesh (ii)- Sheikh Hasina resigned under pressure from Army by 45 minutes ultimatum hence this resignation is not valid in law (iii)- Sheikh Hasina shouldn’t irresponsibly leave Hindus and Awami League su


AIDS is at a crossroads: Would governments expand the proven key population-led services? By BOBBY RAMAKANT

“We are at a critical juncture in our response to end AIDS. As of now, we have 6.7 million people living with HIV in our region. Despite the progress we have made in our AIDS response, there are still 300,000 new HIV infections and 150,000 AIDS related deaths each year,” said Harry Pr


Biden-admin blundered by enabling Jamat-e-Islami to constrain pro-India PM Sheikh Hasina to flee the country. By Hem Raj Jain

Now the USA Should urgently intervene militarily (leaving India out of it) in Bangladesh to bring newly elected government in power (by free and fair election which is not possible under interim government installed by Bangladesh military) (ii)- Prez Biden can try to establish Christian majority


What’s going on in Bangladesh now? By Ozair Islam

According to media reports, amid the non-cooperation program of the ongoing anti-discrimination student movement, 13 policemen were killed by entering Enayetpur police station in Sirajganj. The matter has been confirmed by the police headquarters in Bangladesh Apart from this, a policeman of Comi


The power of profit: People-led social enterprises. By SHOBHA SHUKLA

While community-led organisations are playing a critical role in the people-centred delivery of HIV prevention, care and treatment services, financial sustainability often becomes a major roadblock for them. Social entrepreneurship could be an innovative business model to generate revenue and kee


Civilizational-global-war would set-in irretrievably when Pakistan joined Islamic block. By Hem Raj Jain

There is one very important and fundamental difference between these two blocks (judaism-Christianity capitalist block v/s Islamic-Communist block) namely of exclusive private capital v/s State / Sovereign capital too (ii)- The way Israel is not listening to the USA and its allies and even the UN


Knife Crime: It's Time for Collaborative Solutions. By William Gomes

The horrific knife attack on a children's dance class in Southport has left the nation reeling in shock and disbelief. As a society, we are grappling with the senseless violence that claimed the lives of three young girls and left ten others fighting for their lives. In the aftermath of such


Balochistan May Become Another Bangladesh for Pakistan. By Manish Rai

Recently Baloch people in large numbers gathered near Gwadar port city for the Baloch National Gathering organised by Baloch Yakjehti Committee (BYC) meaning Baloch Unity Committee. BYC, an ethno-nationalistic rights movement is campaigning against unlawful enforced disappearances, human rights v


Youth-led initiatives spark hope for children and adolescents living with HIV. By SHOBHA SHUKLA

"As a young person living with HIV, I had self-stigmatised myself due to the fear of discrimination… fear of discrimination if I dare disclose my HIV positive status to others… this fear had stopped me from living life like a normal person,” said a youth living with HIV w


A Nation in Crisis: Bangladesh Teeters on the Brink. By William Gomes

Bangladesh, the populous South Asian nation that emerged from a bloody war of independence just over 50 years ago, now finds itself engulfed in yet another struggle - this time between an increasingly authoritarian government and its own citizens demanding reform, justice and democracy. What bega


The UKrainian Americans shouldn’t let go, the opportunity of 2024 US-General election - instead should endeavor for converting Ukraine war into a global affair. By Hem Raj Jain

It will help if Ukrainian Americans can request theUS-Orthodox Christianity successfully to help in this matter (ii)- Now as per Russian Laws the earlier UKrainian territories of Crimea and Donbass are territories of Russia (iii)-  If UKraine supported by NATO is seen to be succeeding i


A-for-Accountability is missing in responses to HIV, hepatitis, STIs and TB. By SHOBHA SHUKLA

We have the science-based tools to prevent, diagnose, treat and manage all four infections: HIV, hepatitis, sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and TB. Despite this, TB has been the biggest infectious disease killer in the world till COVID-19 had hit us (but more people died of TB in high-burd


If some countries in Asia Pacific can be on track to end AIDS then why cannot all? By BOBBY RAMAKANT

Not just richer nations like New Zealand are meeting some of the 2025 HIV-related targets but also low- and middle-income countries like Nepal, Cambodia and Thailand in Asia and the Pacific region.

 "2025 AIDS-related targets are ambitious but not wishful thinking: We know thi

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"Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" By Nazir S Bhatti

On demand of our readers, I have decided to release E-Book version of "Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" on website of PCP which can also be viewed on website of Pakistan Christian Congress www.pakistanchristiancongress.org . You can read chapter wise by clicking tab on left handside of PDF format of E-Book.

nazirbhattipcc@aol.com , pakistanchristianpost@yahoo.com