
Bhangi, Bhangi Toop and Christians in Pakistan. Lets restore Christian pride in Pakistan. By Dr. Adil Ghouri

Most of you may know that Qilla Gujjar Singh is in Lahore. Some of you might have even heard of the Zamzama gun now popularly called the "Bhangi Toop". What you might not know however is that the full name of Gujjar Singh was Gujjar Singh Bhangi and that he was a Chief of the Sikh Bhangi Misl and th


Muslims through the eyes of Jesus. By Brandon Gunderson, The Summit Bible College

The title of this article is exactly what I want to emphasize because I have been looking through the wrong lenses for quite some time about who Muslims are and what they believe. I’ve been looking through the lenses of some one else’s prescription and now I want to share how I see Mus


Iqbal’s Persian Poetry--An Analytical Note By Mohammed Akmal Pasha

Kashmiri Pandit Sahaj Ram Sapru, the grandfather of Allama Iqbal would have never been touched by a whim of such a potentially dawning glory engendered through the sublimity of a poetic genius while converting to Islam and named Sheikh Rafiq. Scholars in Iqbaliyaat testify Iqbal’s Persian wor


Amrita Pritam “aaj aakhaan waris shah nuun”

· aaj aakhaN waris shah nuuN, kitoN kabraaN vichchoN bol,
· te aaj kitab-e ishq daa koii aglaa varkaa phol

· ik roii sii dhii punjaab dii, tuuN likh likh maare vaen,
· aaj lakhaaN dhiiaaN rondiaa, tainuN waris shah nuN kahen

· uTh dardmandaaN diaa dardiaa, uth takk apnaa punja


War Against Heresies and Apostasies (WAHA) By Bishop T Nasir

I have been answering the “Muslim Critics” of Christianity since last twenty five years. I gave maximum time to prove the “Truth of Christian Faith” and silenced many voices against Christian faith and the Holy Bible. Along with this, over the past few years I have been watc


Madho Lal Hussain of Lahore: Beyond Hindu and Muslim. By Yoginder Sikand

`Shah Hussain! Shahadat Paye O Jo Maran Mitran De Age (Shah Hussain! He [alone] attains martyrdom who dies at the feet of his beloved)

Sufism has had a long and rich history in the Indian sub-continent. It is perhaps in Punjab, more than in any other part of this vast land, that Sufism has struc


Pakistan, the land of institutional hatred and Islamic zealots. By Lee Jay Walker Dip BA MA

In the land of Pakistan hatred continues to grow. This hatred, inspired and ignited by Islamic extremists, is directed against all moderates and all faiths. To make matters worse the institutions inside Pakistan, notably the government, judiciary and police, are also part of the problem in this la


True democracy needs to challenge Islam! By Lee Jay Walker

In the past America, the United Kingdom, and other Western democratic nations could blame the Cold War on supporting despots like Suharto or despotic nations like Saudi Arabia. Yet after the demise of the Cold War, then this no longer applies and democracy \"in your own country\" is not good enough


Who is Christ? By: Khalid Soomro

Political parties and religions propagate their doctrines and the biographies of their
founders through books and the Internet; they try to present their principles in bright colors and exciting propaganda.
The Son of Mary stands gently beside this propaganda. He introduces himself to whoever desi


The Sermon on Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost by Rev. Canon Patrick P. Augustine, Rector at Christ Episcopal Church Wisconsin, USA

Isaiah 5: 1-7, Psalm 80:7-14, Philippians 3: 14-21, Matthew 21:33-43
There is no pain more familiar to many of us than the pain of rejection. Rejection comes in many forms and it can come from various sources, friends, family, a lover or work place. Sometimes rejection comes from our friends. P.


Apostasy from Islam in Pakistan. By Dr. Stephen Gill

Islam is divided into two main sects of Sunni and Shia. Sunnis form the majority in Pakistan and also in Saudi Arabia. They prescribe execution for an apostate from Islam.
Next to Sunnis there are Shias who are mostly in Iran. Shias are about 12 percent in Pakistan. Shias also prescribe execution


Nepal: The case for sanctions and extension of restrictive measures

1. Overview
A delegation of the European Union (EU) Troika is scheduled to visit Nepal from 4 to 6 October 2005. The EU Troika had last visited Nepal in mid-December 2004 and had met the proxy government headed by Sher Bahadur Deuba who is presently in jail.
Despite the intervention of the United


Statistics of Simple Names in the Old Testament Used for Designating GOD. By: Khalid Mansoor Soomro

1. The SIMPLE NAMES used for God in the Old Testament
Name in Hebrew Meaning Frequency
Jahwe the LORD 71,2 % 7620x
Elohim God / gods 24,1 % 2578x
El God 2,8 % 300x
Elowah God 0,5 % 55x
Shaddai (incl. 4x El Shaddai) the Allmighty? 0,5 % 53x
Jaah the LORD 0,4 % 48x
‘Eljon (incl. 2x El


Youhana LBW. By Masood Hasan

While one is delighted to learn that the ranks of the faithful have further swelled with the arrival of test star, Yousaf Youhana, the conversion business having spread into cricket, the manner in which the switch has been conducted gives it a strange and unpleasant twist. This business of what fait


For India and Islam: Maulana Azad’s Vision of Religious Pluralism. By Yoginder Sikand. India

More than fifty years after ‘independence’, India is still struggling hard to come to terms with religious plurality. It is here that the example of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, one of the leading lights of the freedom movement, and one whose legacy is today little known, is particularly va

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"Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" By Nazir S Bhatti

On demand of our readers, I have decided to release E-Book version of "Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" on website of PCP which can also be viewed on website of Pakistan Christian Congress www.pakistanchristiancongress.org . You can read chapter wise by clicking tab on left handside of PDF format of E-Book.

nazirbhattipcc@aol.com , pakistanchristianpost@yahoo.com