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USA should constrain Israel to move ICJ for directing Turkey etc to hand over Hamas terrorists to Israel before allowing Israel to kill Hamas terrorists inTurkey etc. By Hem Raj Jain

Prez Biden is making it difficult for about 5.0 million Asian Indians (electoral constituency mainly of his party) in the USA and especially in their native country India (ii)- For change's sake Prez Biden should start taking the International laws seriously.
For change's sake Prez Biden should start taking the International laws seriously.
Whatever Israel is doing as over-retaliatory measure (as mentioned at ) after October 7 (after Hamas killed thousands of innocent civilians in Israel ) is not possible without support of the USA. At the same time two developments about accusing India by the USA and Canada (on the basis of intelligence from 5-Eyes of which the USA is important member) where India allegedly tried to kill citizen of the USA and Canada on the soil of respective country and which has soured a little the India’s relation with both the countries (as reported at and ) has become an important international issue in view of the threat (through public statement) issued by Israel to kill Hamas terrorists in foreign countries Turkey etc. on which Turkey has warned Israel (as reported at ).
The ‘Swayambhoo’ (self styled) leader of the free world the USA owes it to the free world community that it takes a principled stand in this matter. If India can be criticized by the USA for allegedly trying to kill terrorist (doing terrorism in India) in Canada and in the USA then why the USA is allowing Israel to do the same especially given the fact that Israel can;’t ignore whatever the USA asks it do do because everybody knows that Israel can’t even survive for a day if not militarily supported by the West led by the USA.
Prez Biden should know that by criticizing India for alleged crime in North America but allowing Israel to do the same in Muslim countries Prez Biden is making it difficult for about 5.0 million Asian Indians in the USA and especially in their native country India (majority of whom traditionally vote and may again vote in 2024 general elections) for the political party of Prez Biden, the Democrats.
Moreover given his record so far at White House as president where he said that ‘two State solution’ is the only way forward for resolving Palestine problem but doesn’t do anything effective and worth the name to achieve it and instead is watching passively & condoning Genocide of Palestinians by Israel and even as Vice President during the Obama administration [when they created trouble in Ukraine for democratically elected government by engineered demonstrations at maidan in 2013 (which was criticized on a T.V. program by the then Congressman Dana Rohrabacher too) which culminated in military coup and attendant forced takeover of Crimea by Russia in 2014 which ultimately led to on-going Ukraine war] Prez BIden is not known for respecting international laws which is difficult to believe given his long stint in US- Congress and his legal background but this is a very serious matter which will change the USA forever for the simple reason that it is concerned with Jews who wield disproportionately immense influence among the politicians of the USA (whether Democrats or Republicans).
Therefor for change sake Prez BIden should start taking seriously the International law and should ask rather constrain Israel to move “International Court of Justice” (ICJ) for directing Turkey etc to hand over Hamas terrorists to Israel before allowing Israel to even think of killing Hamas terrorists inTurkey etc
For change's sake Prez Biden should start taking the International laws seriously.
Whatever Israel is doing as over-retaliatory measure (as mentioned at ) after October 7 (after Hamas killed thousands of innocent civilians in Israel ) is not possible without support of the USA. At the same time two developments about accusing India by the USA and Canada (on the basis of intelligence from 5-Eyes of which the USA is important member) where India allegedly tried to kill citizen of the USA and Canada on the soil of respective country and which has soured a little the India’s relation with both the countries (as reported at and ) has become an important international issue in view of the threat (through public statement) issued by Israel to kill Hamas terrorists in foreign countries Turkey etc. on which Turkey has warned Israel (as reported at ).
The ‘Swayambhoo’ (self styled) leader of the free world the USA owes it to the free world community that it takes a principled stand in this matter. If India can be criticized by the USA for allegedly trying to kill terrorist (doing terrorism in India) in Canada and in the USA then why the USA is allowing Israel to do the same especially given the fact that Israel can;’t ignore whatever the USA asks it do do because everybody knows that Israel can’t even survive for a day if not militarily supported by the West led by the USA.
Prez Biden should know that by criticizing India for alleged crime in North America but allowing Israel to do the same in Muslim countries Prez Biden is making it difficult for about 5.0 million Asian Indians in the USA and especially in their native country India (majority of whom traditionally vote and may again vote in 2024 general elections) for the political party of Prez Biden, the Democrats.
Moreover given his record so far at White House as president where he said that ‘two State solution’ is the only way forward for resolving Palestine problem but doesn’t do anything effective and worth the name to achieve it and instead is watching passively & condoning Genocide of Palestinians by Israel and even as Vice President during the Obama administration [when they created trouble in Ukraine for democratically elected government by engineered demonstrations at maidan in 2013 (which was criticized on a T.V. program by the then Congressman Dana Rohrabacher too) which culminated in military coup and attendant forced takeover of Crimea by Russia in 2014 which ultimately led to on-going Ukraine war] Prez BIden is not known for respecting international laws which is difficult to believe given his long stint in US- Congress and his legal background but this is a very serious matter which will change the USA forever for the simple reason that it is concerned with Jews who wield disproportionately immense influence among the politicians of the USA (whether Democrats or Republicans).
Therefor for change sake Prez BIden should start taking seriously the International law and should ask rather constrain Israel to move “International Court of Justice” (ICJ) for directing Turkey etc to hand over Hamas terrorists to Israel before allowing Israel to even think of killing Hamas terrorists inTurkey etc
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