India should enter into military-treaty to get US-boots on ground for retrieving Indian territory from China & Pakistan and for independence of Tibet. By Hem Raj Jain


By shedding its British-India mindset, India should start giving due importance to territorial integrity of the country by militarily retrieving from Pakistan & China the rest of united-J&K (PoK, Gilgit, Baltistan, Aksai Chin, Shaksgam valley, part of Eastern Ladakh) preferably through sovereignty (for which chances are remote) hence when impossible then through suzerainty (by giving-up false ego & hollow arrogance), as mentioned at:- 

Though it may not be an exact analogy but industry is an example by which said sovereignty- suzerainty arrangement can be understood. If an industrialist does not have the entire capital for 100% equity then he takes debt-capital (from the bank / financial institution or through debentures) to make-up the shortage of capital and then the industrialist has to accept the conditions of the debt-capital provider. But the industrialist keeps all of the labor,  process, production, raw material, finance etc under his DIRECT control.

Similarly Suzerain DIRECTLY rules the country but has to meet the agreed conditions of  the Sovereign which provides military support to remove the martial deficiency of the Suzerain. The debt-capital provider obviously expects that his capital should be returned back to him in reasonable time along with some interest on it. Because India does not understand this simple fact hence is not getting requisite military help from the USA for restoring its territorial integrity against China & Pakistan.  

If India really wants to restore its territorial integrity by retrieving its territory of united-J&K from China & Pakistan then India should come down from the high horse (meaninglessly thinking & posing as sovereign nation believing in non-alignment or equidistance etc) and instead should talk to the predominant military power and promoter of human-rights-friendly-world, the USA (not India, as a member of the debating-club UN, expecting some relief out of global political order of the UN which is otherwise also useless for India against China due to Veto power of China in the UN) but as a Suzerain under the Sovereignty of the USA by entering into a military-treaty which will provide military help (including US-boots on ground) of the USA to India :-

(i)- To retrieve the territory of united-J&K (Aksai Chin, Shaksgam valley and Eastern Ladakh) from China within a time bound period of (say) 2020 itself.

(ii)- To retrieve (after getting dual citizenship for Hindus and Muslims who migrated during partition, one for India and other for Pakistan or Bangladesh) the territory of united-J&K (PoK, Gilgit, Baltistan) from Pakistan within a time bound period of (say) 2020 itself for the purpose of carrying out the plebiscite in united-J&K as mandated by ‘Instrument of Accession’ 

(iii)- To help rather cooperate with India in getting independence of Tibet (which will result in no Indo-China border hence will be permanent solution for India against China) by giving effect to (or otherwise) legislation (H.R. 6948 introduced by Congressman Scott Perry , on May 19 ) to the US House of Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs , to recognize the Tibet Autonomous Region of the People’s Republic of China as a separate, independent country.

Whatever the USA will expect in lieu of all these from India will not be unreasonably costly (in any way), if this military-treaty is properly negotiated by India with the USA.

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