Lobsang / Tibetans should prefer Perry’s bill for independent Tibet than infructuous H.R.4331. By Hem Raj Jain


This refers to the interview of Tibetan Administration President Lobsang Sangay of  Government-in-Exile (GiE) to ‘The Print’ media https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9zE4BOaz3fI which should be a matter of great disappointment & concern for the USA (which is trying for the independence of Tibet) and for India [which has not merely given political asylum to Tibetans for the last about six decades (which any country can give out of sympathetic and humane nature) but has also allowed Tibetan GiE on Indian soil against opposition of China] and also for the entire secular democratic world - community which is presently thinking that exiled Tibetans will help and assist the world community in bringing liberal transparent democracy in entire China by way of dismembering / reorganizing China in which independent Tibet will be the main new independent country.

Surprisingly in this interview Lobsang says that the legislation (H.R. 6948) [which Congressman Scott Perry , on May 19 introduced  to the ‘US House of Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs’. A bill to authorize the President to recognize the Tibet Autonomous Region of the People’s Republic of China as a separate, independent country, and for other purposes] is (merely) a part of symbolic gesture and Tibetans (rather) fully support and advocate more substantive bill “Tibetan Policy & Support Act” which was passed by US House and now is expected to be considered by US Senate.

Lobsang failed to understand that the “Tibetan Policy & Support Act” has now become infructuous and the US Senate will simply not pass it (rather will not even consider it) because now the USA wants independence of Tibet which the bill by Perry will achieve. It is evident from the fact that the provisions of “Tibetan Policy & Support Act” have no meaning and will not be needed once Tibet becomes an independent country. For example culture, religion and language in Tibet as mentioned in section 5 (4) of “Tibetan Policy & Support Act” will be a burden of the government / polity of independent Tibet and not of the USA.

Lobsang is not trying to understand that the independence of Tibet is being sought by the world community because the authoritarian communist regime of China has become a threat to the very survival of mankind as has been proved during Corona - pandemic. Hence if Lobsang thinks that Tibetans will be allowed to remain a permanent political burden of the world community and will not be asked, at the first opportunity, to take care of their political matters as an independent secular democratic country then Lobsang and such naive Tibetans are living in their make believe world. Moreover Tibetans should know that India, a crucial country for independence of Tibet (which is presently facing Chinese aggression in Ladakh on border issue) will support independent Tibet only after getting clarification about borders of Tibet with India as all these are mentioned at (http://wadikinews.com/trumps-offer-to-mediate-indo-china-dispute-double-game-meaningless-unless-corona-matters-settled/, , https://www.pakistanchristianpost.com/opinion-details/3605 http://www.pakistanchristianpost.com/opinion-details/3607 ).

Here one more issue is extremely important if Tibetans want to be taken seriously which is secularism in independent Tibet. World is sick of hearing day in and day out 24x7 from Tibetans that who will be the next Dalai Lama. Tibetans should know that the present Dalai Lama has already distanced himself  from politics & political office hence let Tibetans decide what religion they want to follow and whom they chose their religious leader in accordance with their right of freedom to religion and other human rights as enshrined in ICCPR of the UN.

Also instead of saying (as in this interview) that - “[we wish India could do little more and when asked to elaborate, leaving it to this media]” - Lobsang should upload on the website of Tibetan GiE that what it precisely expects not only from India and the USA but also from rest of secular democratic world in the interest of early independence of Tibet.

Therefore Lobsang and Tibetans should:-

(i)- Start not only supporting but to endeavor for the passage of the bill (for the independence of Tibet which US Congressman Scott Perry has introduced) by canvassing, lobbying etc as per the laws of the USA

(ii)- Upload on the website of Tibetan Government-in-Exile the proposed Constitution of independent Tibet based on secular democracy

(iii)- Upload on its website what precisely the Tibetan Government-in-Exile expects not only from India and the USA but also from the rest of the secular democratic world in the interest of early independence of Tibet.

(iv)- Display on the website of Tibetan Government-in-Exile the borders of Tibet with India in a way that every inch of territory (at border) claimed by India (with China) to be declared by Tibetan GiE as territory belonging to India

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