USA should work for planting Christian value of liberal secular democracy in China by amending TAIPEI Act. By Hem Raj Jain


Ref:- (i)- USA can deal with Corona-pandemic comprehensively only when committed to the Christian value of liberal secular democracy (ii)- Merely toothless tweeting by USA not enough (iii)- Even dissolution / reorganization of UN should not be feared by USA (iv)- USA should stop considering life, in NATO region, cheap (v)- Political transformation of China the only solution (vi)- Quadrate (USA, India, Japan, Australia) should take lead for political transformation of China (vii)- India will be crucial due to extremely important Tibet factor

The Christianity is basically a religion of working class supremacy, for the simple reason that only the prophet of Christianity is from the working class (a carpenter). This is the reason modern science & technology (the main strength of the working class) came into existence in Christian world (in Europe and in countries of European origin like the USA etc). It is a different matter that the organized religion of Christianity opposed the advent of modern science (when it harassed & persecuted many scientists especially in the 15th and16th centuries) and (by going against basic preaching of Jesus Christ) did not condemn / oppose effectively the violence by Christian society including during World Wars. But no religion can go against the basic preaching of its founder prophet hence the Christianity ultimately has come to support liberal secular democracy (which gives power to free inquiry and to the working class) which is ultimately in  favor of the working class because employees are always more in numbers than employers.

Many things are lacking in liberal democracies all over the world (mainly due to lack of sanctity of Capital, where only private capital is valued & deployed profitably but State-capital is squandered) including in the most powerful democracy the USA and largest democracy India. But they are on the right track and will ultimately achieve the beneficial order for the working class due to democracy. Whereas China is a different story. Any political model including communism (which is not based on liberal democracy with universal adult franchise) is against the working class (notwithstanding contrary claims) that is the reason the authoritarian regime in China is behaving most irresponsibly during the on-going Coronavirus-pandemic (which has adversely affected the working class, the most, all over the world). China should have (on its own) proposed an UN-inquiry into so many Corona-deaths across the world especially in NATO countries (as mentioned at ) but China has not done so.

This not only raises genuine suspicion that China has something to hide about Corona-pandemic but it will also leave a global political culture where some other countries may also engage in future in bio-warfare (which is highly dangerous for the survival of mankind on this earth). In a nutshell the anti-liberal-democracy political system of China, in the short & long run,  is harmful to mankind and even to the working class of China itself. Therefore the liberal democratic world (led by the USA) should ensure that the present political set-up of China is dismantled and a liberal secular democratic system is installed in China. In order to achieve this in an orderly and comparatively peaceful manner, the USA should do the following:-

(1)- First and foremost the USA will have to understand that the problem is much more deep rooted and serious hence merely toothless tweeting by the USA is not enough as was done by the U.S. Mission to the United Nations where it  said - [the 193-member global organization was founded to serve “all voices,” welcome “a diversity of views and perspectives” and promote human rights. It said “Barring Taiwan from setting foot on UN grounds is an affront not just to the proud Taïwanese people, but to UN principles.” ] as reported at 

(2)- Rather the USA should amend the TAIPEI Act [] specially its Section 4 etc where it is mentioned that - [Taiwan's membership in all international organizations in which statehood is not a requirement]. Rather in the first stage the USA should ask all the member countries of the UN to recognize Taiwan / RoC (Republic of China) as an independent Sovereign Country having claim on the entire territory of People’s Republic of China (PRC) presently led by Xi Jinping. Afterall it was China under Chiang-Kai-Shek (who later established RoC) which was part of allied forces which won World War II and formed the UN.  In this matter the USA should especially take the help and assistance of the so-called Quadrate (USA, India, Japan, Australia).

(3)- China has also been denying human rights to Muslims in its Xinjiang province and has subjugated Tibet by denying the Tibetans every human right (HR) as enshrined in the ICCPR of the UN. Therefore the USA should also demand the immediate restoration of free media, and other human rights especially in Xinjiag (which demand will be supported by entire Muslim world) and in Tibet.

(4)-  In this entire matter India will be crucial because India can ask Dalai Lama etc to demand autonomy for Tibet even by constituting a Government-in-Exile for Tibet with its office in India (where these Tibetans are already there). The USA should also ask India to refer Indo-China border-dispute for resolution by ‘UN Judicial Commission’ which China as a permanent member cannot refuse (especially in view of the fact that India’s dispute with Pakistan is political but with China it is a legal dispute).

(5)- China may use Pakistan to harass India (due to Kashmir problem) but the USA can easily solve this problem by asking India to go for  plebiscite in united J&K as mandated by ‘ 1947 Instrument of Accession of J&K to India’ and by working for dual citizenship for the people who crossed borders between India and Pakistan (West & East), during partition of India in 1947 which did not have any provision for population transfer (this illegal population transfer is the main cause of communalism in Indian sub-continent because ~ 20 % of population, the Hindus forced out from each of Pakistan and Bangladesh while Muslims remains same rather increased a little to ~ 15 % in India).

(6)- If China tries to resist / oppose these actions of the USA in the UN by Veto etc then the USA should dissolve the UN (which was brought into existence by the USA after World War II at the soil of USA by replacing ‘League of Nations’ which was formed after World War I) and instead the USA should launch a new world-body.

It is hoped that instead of beating around the bush, the USA will take prompt and effective measures, as mentioned above, for political transformation of China in order to plant in China the Christian value of liberal secular democracy which is the only way of protecting the interest of the working class all over the world (including in China).

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