At least after Kabul, the Sikhs should revive their spirit for controlling politics of Indian subcontinent. By Hem Raj Jain


This refers to unfortunate incidence of terrorist attack by Jihadi militants on a Gurudwara at Kabul, Afghanistan in which 27 civilians were killed and eight others were wounded on Wednesday as reported at . Terrorist attacks by militant - Jihadis in Indo- AF-Pak region on non-Muslims is nothing new as it is the result of communal poison allowed to spread by government of India (GoI) especially due to partition of India where illegal population transfer was allowed by India (~ 20 % of population, the Hindus / Sikhs forced out from each of Pakistan and Bangladesh while Muslims remains same rather increased a little to ~ 15 % in India). This even made Hindus also communal which is evident from what is being done to Muslims especially in Kashmir in J&K including after August 5, 2019 and also from the massacre of thousands of innocent Sikhs by Hindus in 1984 in Delhi.

 But this communal poison of Indian subcontinent is pathetic when Sikhs are treated (rather allowed by Sikhs to be treated) so casually by not only Muslims but also by Hindus especially given the fact that the Sikhs (despite handful) ruled most of  present Pakistan and Indian Punjab up to Sutlej river as recently as in 19th century. Presently even many of the Sikhs seem to have forgotten that in his book ‘History of the Sikhs’ Joseph Davey Cunningham mentioned that - “[ While consolidating his hold on Punjab, Ranjit Singh had elevated many non-Sikhs to high office. Since Sikhs accounted for only 7 percent of the population in which Muslims were over 50 % and Hindus around 42 %, he secured the loyalty and support of all by refusing to discriminate against them in the governance of his kingdom]”.

The Sikhs should know that Hindus (presently led by Hindutva forces) will never like communalism to die in Indian subcontinent because that is the only guarantee for the survival of Hindu communalism in India. Hence if the Sikhs want to usher the Indian subcontinent into a modern secular political entity then the Sikhs themselves will have to revive the same spirit (as was inspired from the time of Guru Nanak Dev to Guru Gobind Singh) in order to realize Federal Secular Democratic - South Asia as mentioned at

 For realizing this FSD-South Asia, the Sikhs will have to do the following:-

 (1)- In India writ petitions should be filed by the Sikhs in Supreme Court of India (A)- For making a declaration that ‘Population transfer’ is against the mandate of partition of India and against Secular Constitution of India. (B)- For repealing  ‘Citizen Amendment Act’ (C)- For directing GoI to identify ~ 80 million said Hindus from Pakistan & Bangladesh and to work for giving these ~ 80 million Hindus dual citizenship (one for India and another for Pakistan or Bangladesh). (D)- For directing GoI that if any such displaced from Pakistan or Bangladesh (Mainly Muslims) want to come to India then they should also be given dual citizenship. (E)- For repeal of the Article 1 (3) (a) of The Constitution of India and PART II THE STATE (3) of the Constitution of J&K [which illegally show J&K as Indian territory (like any other State of India) and even an integral part of India without any mention of the condition of plebiscite to decide the territory of J&K as per ‘Instrument of Accession’]. (F)- For directing the GoI to get a plebiscite in united J&K at the earliest possible after ensuring in united J&K the conditions conducive for carrying out such plebiscite required by IoA and file quarterly progress report about it in SCI (G)- For directing GoI & GoJ&K to release all the people of J&K who have been arrested on political basis [out of legally objectionable (in view of IoA) the apprehension of Respondents that they may demand plebiscite or independence of United JK] including those people who have been arrested since August 5, 2019 on political basis. (H)- For directing the GoI & GoJ&K to ensure the peaceful rehabilitation of Kashmiri Pandits in Kashmir also by ensuring the restoration of their evacuee properties and distress sale properties.

(2)- Till said dual citizenship is granted by SCI for the people who came from East and West Pakistan due to partition (especially to the people who came from West Pakistan), the Sikhs will have to protect their families in Pakistan and Afghanistan. For this the Sikhs may have to even migrate their families from both countries [as present the GoI will not do any thing worth the name (even by mobilizing world-community) to protect them] temporarily till said dual citizen is granted and Pakistan and Afghanistan are constrained (even under military pressure if necessary) to see reason and establish communalism-free regime / political system  in these countries.

(3)- Present government or any other government at centre by existing political parties in India will not go for dual citizenship hence the Sikhs should launch a national level political party in India which (either coming to power at centre or otherwise) will constrain GoI to constrain Pakistan and Afghanistan (even under military pressure if necessary) to establish communalism-free regime / political system in their countries.

It is hoped that the Sikhs all over the world will rise to the occasion and will revive their illustrious history of valor & chivalry in the interest of establishing FSD - South Asia for peace, justice and prosperity in this region which will also be in the interest of protecting the lives, properties of their families by avoiding said Kabul type killing of innocent Sikhs in future, anywhere in Indian subcontinent.

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