Erdogan being grossly underestimated for ushering Muslim world into Caliphate. By Hem Raj Jain


The February, 14 address of Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan to joint session of Pakistan Parliament though has attracted media attention (specially in India) due to his comparison where he said that “There is no difference between Gallipoli and Kashmir” (as mentioned at ) but the world community is grossly underestimating Erdogan when it thinks that Erdogan is nursing some funny ideas of reviving Caliphate. The world should know that Erdogan can easily usher the Muslim world into Caliphate in view of given below: -

 (A)- The Muslims were dominant political power before rise of Christian West but presently tens of millions of Muslims from Myanmar to AF-Pak-Kashmir to NAME region are weeping and bleeding profusely.  It is only Erdogan (President of Turkey which has a long history of Caliphate, up to World War I) who can not only bring succor to these beleaguered & harassed tens of millions of Muslims but can even restore the lost glory for which Muslims (being the follower of Political Islam) are pining.

 (B)- Erdogan is the only credible & effective leader of Muslim world who is considered courageous and dedicated to the cause of Islam. Prime Minister Mahathir bin Mohammad is another credible Muslim leader, but Malaysia does not have power & history to lead the Muslim world and in any case, Mahathir is already supporting Erdogan in this project of Caliphate. The leadership of Iran has discredited itself as under them the Iranians have been suffering (under sanctions by West) for decades. Saudi Arabia is discredited not only due to its lack of open support to Kashmiris but to a great extent its support to Trump’s policy on Israel. Imran Khan (being the PM of Pakistan having ~ 20 million population, strong military and nukes) could have become a formidable competitor of Erdogan in this regard but Imran has been discredited because: -

(i)- Imran could not provide relief to Kashmiris and could not take proper action against what India did on August 5, 2019 to J&K. Imran could have easily ensured about 2 million people to Srinagar (of AJK-Gilgit-Baltistan to take a peace-march to Srinagar by crossing LoC in presence of international media for offering arrest before Indian authorities while demanding restoration of human rights of Kashmiris) and  by simultaneously saying that nuclear Pakistan will not mind waging war against nuclear India in case this peace march is not handled as per international laws. Moreover, Imran should have said that Pakistan is prepared to cooperate in carrying out plebiscite in united-J&K as per not only UN resolution 1948 about J&K but also as per 1947 ‘Instrument of Accession’ of J&K to India. But Imran is completely paralyzed about Kashmir policy.

(ii)- Imran has been further discredited by revelations made by Erdogan that Imran did not go to Malaysia summit 2019 due economic pressure of Saudi Arabia. In this summit (on the initiative of Imran himself too) the solution to Islamic phobia, Islamic TV Channel and a sort of Muslim block or Muslim Caliphate (of not only Sunni Muslims but also of Shia Muslims because Iran was part of said Malaysia Summit) was to be discussed. This fiasco happened because Imran did not persuade proper economic policies and worst gave undue over importance to economic forces vis-a-vis moral / spiritual forces and that too in a Islamic society which has tradition of Jihad which believes that “Kafir hai to us ko shamshir ka Sahara, Momin he to be-teg hi ladta hai sipahi” [only unbelievers rely on sword (resources), the believers fight the just war even without it].

Therefore, Erdogan can easily realize this Muslim-Caliphate if he publicly declares and does the following: (1)- The Islam is nothing if not about discipline, probity, legitimacy and sanctity in financial / economic matters. Hence Erdogan should declare  that Caliphate (i)- Will have its own currency with proper asset back-up (and no fake-currency) (ii)- Will prohibit interest earning (usury) except to take care of working expenses of lending institutions and inflation (iii) Will allow public debts strictly against security of consolidated funds of the Caliphate (like Article 292 & 293 of Indian Constitution without unconstitutional FRBM to sabotage these Articles) (iv)- Will deploy Sate -capital PROFITABLY for the welfare of the citizens of the Caliphate.

(2)- Erdogan should declare that Caliphate will reject absurd two state solution and will work for peaceful one State solution of Palestine problem as generally mentioned at . As far Kashmir solution, Erdogan should declare that the “United States of Democratic, Secular, Republic, Federation of Muslim Umma” (USDSRFMU) the name of the Caliphate will do the required which would be what Imran did not do (as mentioned above without taking the name of Imran / Pakistan). As far Afghanistan this problem will automatically be solved once Afghanistan joins the USDSRFMU. As far the problems of Rohingyas, what the UN could not do the USDSRFMU would be able to do easily (once it comes into existence) by ensuring that the Myanmar too see the reason.

(3)- Erdogan should declare that there will be one country of Muslim Umma namely USDSRFMU in which all the Muslim willing countries can join gradually. Erdogan can say that there is no contradiction between Secular USDSRFMU and Islam because Turkey has been practicing secularism and at the same time Islam. Moreover federalism will be the most important factor where only the martial subjects (like defense, foreign affairs, currency, communication /  national transport and human rights) shall be with Centre and all the civil subjects including natural resources shall be with the States, the members of this USDSRFMU] otherwise it shall have unfortunate future (of dismemberment) as Bangladesh had with Pakistan. [If there can be 50 States in the USA then there can be at least 100 States in USDSRFMU (having more than double the population of the USA) to accommodate the linguistic, ethnic and regional aspirations of the citizens of this Caliphate, the USDSRFMU].

(4)- Erdogan should launch huge media campaign about Iran being the part of  USDSRFMU by saying that it will solve the problems of (i)- Conflict between Iran & the USA etc (as result of alleged nuclear proliferation by Iran) and which will bring immense succor to Iranians (ii)- Iraq, and NAME region (including Syria, Yemen etc) where Iran is being accused of interference (iii)- Shia-Sunni conflicts in many parts of the Muslim world.

(5)- Erdogan need not be apprehensive that with such small population, in USDSRFMU, Turkey will not have a say in government formation. Rather Turkey should know that despite popular cliche that democracy is of, by and for the people, in every democracy mainly political parties rule. Hence if Erdogan / Turkey ensure that their political party will work for the realization of “New Horizon for mankind” (as generally mentioned at ) then political dispensation in power in this USDSRFMU would always be to the liking & satisfaction of Turkey.

 (6)- Erdogan / Turkey will have to show some rather minor courage & tact for realizing USDSRFMU in regard to namely (i)- Turkey will have to give-up the attraction of NATO (ii)- The highly likely resistance of - China (which may fear Pakistan having CPEC & Gwadar Port coming under USDSRFMU), India (due to Kashmir factor) and the USA & its NATO and other allies  (due to strategic & military reasons) - will have to be handled tactfully (iii)- The leaderships of Saudi Arabia and Iran will have to be kept in good humor because they would be relinquishing the leadership of Sunni-Muslims and Shia-Muslims respectively (despite the fact that both Saudi-Arabia and Iran have failed to bring succor, peace and prosperity to respective Muslim world).

 Therefore, rest of the world instead of underestimating Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan for ushering the Muslim world into Caliphate, should rather be prepared for it in a positive way.

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