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Pakistan should be persuaded for linguistic dual citizenship with India and refraining from religious dual citizenship with Turkey. By Hem Raj Jain
The visit of Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan to Pakistan in mid-February is mainly aimed at forming not merely a military alliance of Turkey and Pakistan but for making Turkey and Pakistan de-facto one nation by granting mutual dual citizenship to the people of Pakistan and Turkey as is being discussed in Pakistan (one such is given in an interview taken by its protagonist Ambassador Basit and reported in media and
There is nothing unusual or unexpected about it because Turkey (since it lost its Caliphate after World War I) is smarting under the desire to regain the Caliphate of Sunni Muslims (which crazy Al-Baghdadi of ISIS failed to do) which non-nuclear Turkey is planning do with the support of Pakistan for the simple reason that Pakistan is a country of ~ 200 million people and is having strong military with nuclear weapons. This daydream of Turkey seems feasible to Turkey as presently Pakistan is desperate to do the even with & humiliate its arch enemy India because: -
(i)- Pakistan is itching to take revenge against India for what India did in 1971 to break Pakistan (by making beleaguered & persecuted East Pakistan a free country of Bangladesh).
(ii)- Government of India (GoI) has provided a golden opportunity to Pakistan by (instead of carrying out plebiscite in united-J&K as per mandate of ‘Instrument of Accession’, the IoA) amending and repealing Article 370 & 35-A of the Constitution in J&K and by converting the State of J&K into two union territories and by imprisoning (including house arrest) of practically entire mainstream political class of J&K for the last 6 months.
(iii)- India has further created communal poison not only by bizarre & anti-rule-of-law SCI judgement in Babri Masjid case but has agitated even other (than Muslims) sections of Indians (especially SC, ST and other weaker sections which fears harassment and loss of their landed properties) through CAA / NRC (‘Citizen Amendment Act’ and statements by government functionaries even on floor of the Parliament about ‘National Register for Citizens’). This has created such a backlash in India that entire political structure of two nation theory (being practiced by BJP crudely and by Congress subtly through illegal population transfer) is being questioned by these Indians. This has scared Pakistan because once two nation theory is discarded by Indians then the very basis and existence of Pakistan (which was created based on two nation theory) will come into question [which vested interest in Pakistan including its military (which has been thriving on animosity with India) will find it difficult to digest].
Pakistan is a naïve nation which does not understand that whatever has been happening in Kashmir since August 5, 2019 is on the behest of the USA & its ally Israel. The USA (which can easily get solved the problem between India and Pakistan even without taking help of UN, but is not doing it) wants to use India to harass China by sabotaging its CPEC / Gwadar project by asking India to take Pakistani side of J&K (including Gilgit – Baltistan) militarily and if Pakistan thinks that it will be able to use its nukes in such situation then it is living in its make belief world as it does not understand the might of the USA. Therefore, India needs to do the following in order to avoid unnecessary bloodshed in Indian subcontinent, which Pakistan and Turkey (as mentioned) are trying to trigger: -
(1)- India should convince Pakistan that all the religions came in existence before democracy hence their values conflict with the values of democracy. Secular democracy is the modern progressive ideology which brings to any country peace, justice and prosperity and that is the reason powerful West is practicing separation of State from religion (which they achieved at the cost of immense loss of lives, blood, properties and honor through ~ 100 years of religious war in Europe during 16th to 18th centuries).
(2)- India should further convince Pakistan that whether people like it or not world is bound to usher in “New Horizon for Mankind” (NHM, as mentioned at which is evident also from the fact that on February 4, 2020 in his ‘State of the Union Address’ Prez Trump announced about ‘Space Force’ and ‘Moon & Mars Plans’ ( ). This NHM requires human being as one political entity which can be best achieved by its sub-groups of maximum possible numbers.
(3)- India should further convince Pakistan that one such large political entity can be extended-SAARC (which will include countries from Myanmar to Iran) on the basis of language [Hindi (and its many regional variants), Persian (and mainly their synthesis Urdu) and English, which are used by ~ 1800 million people of this extended-SAARC].
(4)- As far gathering the support of world community for this extended-SAARC, India will have to tell it that without giving dual citizenship to all (including ~ 80 million Hindus) [who (their parents & elders) crossed borders of India with West Pakistan (now Pakistan) & East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) due to partition as a result of illegal population transfer] there cannot be any peace / secularism in Indian subcontinent.
(5)- It is for the simple reason that India has foolishly allowed theocratic Pakistan and Bangladesh to be practically free from Hindus (including Sikhs). Due to this wrong (un-martial) policy of India what to talk of ~ 20% Hindus from Pakistan & Bangladesh even in Hindu majority India the Muslim majority Kashmir got so emboldened that it forced out hundreds of thousands of Hindus (Kashmiri Pandits). This high handedness based on religion of Muslim majority Pakistan, Bangladesh and Kashmir (said agitation about CAA / NRC in India will take care of communalism of Hindus) needs to be stopped once and for all by restoring their demographic composition in favor of Hindus through dual citizenship.
(6)- India foolishly allowed and accepted population transfer practically on religious line due to partition. Rather India then should have made clear that every refugee in India (mainly Hindus) will have to be taken back and proper law & order will have to be provided by East & West Pakistan for these religious minorities otherwise India will be constrained to negate the partition. The wrongs of DEAD history should not be rectified but the wrongs of LIVE history which is giving trouble presently too (like problems about Kashmir, CAA / NRC etc in India and rabid communalism in Pakistan) can be and should be rectified [especially in view that ~ 20 % Hindus were wrongly forced out from both Pakistan and Bangladesh whereas Muslims gained some increase in India to about ~ 15 %].
(7)- India should also tell the world community that Pakistanis are never tired of saying that Muslims were dislodged from power in India by Britishers hence while leaving, the Britishers should have given India to Muslims. But these Pakistanis do not understand that present Pakistan & Indian Punjab up to Sutlej and J&K were ruled by Sikhs (mainly by Maharaja Ranjeet Singh up to Peshawar / Jamrud) and were dislodged from power by Britishers only, hence if the argument of these naïve & mischievous Pakistanis is conceded then Pakistan should be given to Sikhs.
(8)- But Pakistan may not see reason hence Indians should immediately do the following: -
(i)- India should declare publicly that India is prepared to carry out plebiscite in united J&K as mandated by IoA but it will be along with plebiscite in Balochistan because the IoA of Balochistan to Pakistan is not worth the paper it is written on as Indian military entered J&K after IoA of J&K to India was signed in October 1947 by its ruler in view of Pak invasion of J&K. But IoA of Baluchistan was signed (at gun point) in February 1948 (after Pakistan military invaded Balochistan) by its ruler who was not even authorized to sign this IoA as the Parliament (Dar-ul-Awam) has passed resolution for independence of Balochistan as succinctly mentioned at )
(ii)- If GoI does not do anything about said dual citizenship then the Indians should move the Supreme Court of India (a)- For making a declaration that ‘Population transfer’ is against the mandate of partition of India and against Secular Constitution of India (b)- For directing GoI to identify ~ 80 million said Hindus from Pakistan & Bangladesh and to work for giving these ~ 80 million Hindus dual citizenship (one for India and another for Pakistan or Bangladesh) (c)- For directing GoI that if any such displaced from Pakistan or Bangladesh (of any religion) want to come in India then they should also be given dual citizenship.
It is hoped that India will come out of traditional slumber and will do the said needful in the interest of avoiding unnecessary bloodshed in Indian subcontinent, which Pakistan and Turkey (as mentioned) are trying to trigger.
There is nothing unusual or unexpected about it because Turkey (since it lost its Caliphate after World War I) is smarting under the desire to regain the Caliphate of Sunni Muslims (which crazy Al-Baghdadi of ISIS failed to do) which non-nuclear Turkey is planning do with the support of Pakistan for the simple reason that Pakistan is a country of ~ 200 million people and is having strong military with nuclear weapons. This daydream of Turkey seems feasible to Turkey as presently Pakistan is desperate to do the even with & humiliate its arch enemy India because: -
(i)- Pakistan is itching to take revenge against India for what India did in 1971 to break Pakistan (by making beleaguered & persecuted East Pakistan a free country of Bangladesh).
(ii)- Government of India (GoI) has provided a golden opportunity to Pakistan by (instead of carrying out plebiscite in united-J&K as per mandate of ‘Instrument of Accession’, the IoA) amending and repealing Article 370 & 35-A of the Constitution in J&K and by converting the State of J&K into two union territories and by imprisoning (including house arrest) of practically entire mainstream political class of J&K for the last 6 months.
(iii)- India has further created communal poison not only by bizarre & anti-rule-of-law SCI judgement in Babri Masjid case but has agitated even other (than Muslims) sections of Indians (especially SC, ST and other weaker sections which fears harassment and loss of their landed properties) through CAA / NRC (‘Citizen Amendment Act’ and statements by government functionaries even on floor of the Parliament about ‘National Register for Citizens’). This has created such a backlash in India that entire political structure of two nation theory (being practiced by BJP crudely and by Congress subtly through illegal population transfer) is being questioned by these Indians. This has scared Pakistan because once two nation theory is discarded by Indians then the very basis and existence of Pakistan (which was created based on two nation theory) will come into question [which vested interest in Pakistan including its military (which has been thriving on animosity with India) will find it difficult to digest].
Pakistan is a naïve nation which does not understand that whatever has been happening in Kashmir since August 5, 2019 is on the behest of the USA & its ally Israel. The USA (which can easily get solved the problem between India and Pakistan even without taking help of UN, but is not doing it) wants to use India to harass China by sabotaging its CPEC / Gwadar project by asking India to take Pakistani side of J&K (including Gilgit – Baltistan) militarily and if Pakistan thinks that it will be able to use its nukes in such situation then it is living in its make belief world as it does not understand the might of the USA. Therefore, India needs to do the following in order to avoid unnecessary bloodshed in Indian subcontinent, which Pakistan and Turkey (as mentioned) are trying to trigger: -
(1)- India should convince Pakistan that all the religions came in existence before democracy hence their values conflict with the values of democracy. Secular democracy is the modern progressive ideology which brings to any country peace, justice and prosperity and that is the reason powerful West is practicing separation of State from religion (which they achieved at the cost of immense loss of lives, blood, properties and honor through ~ 100 years of religious war in Europe during 16th to 18th centuries).
(2)- India should further convince Pakistan that whether people like it or not world is bound to usher in “New Horizon for Mankind” (NHM, as mentioned at which is evident also from the fact that on February 4, 2020 in his ‘State of the Union Address’ Prez Trump announced about ‘Space Force’ and ‘Moon & Mars Plans’ ( ). This NHM requires human being as one political entity which can be best achieved by its sub-groups of maximum possible numbers.
(3)- India should further convince Pakistan that one such large political entity can be extended-SAARC (which will include countries from Myanmar to Iran) on the basis of language [Hindi (and its many regional variants), Persian (and mainly their synthesis Urdu) and English, which are used by ~ 1800 million people of this extended-SAARC].
(4)- As far gathering the support of world community for this extended-SAARC, India will have to tell it that without giving dual citizenship to all (including ~ 80 million Hindus) [who (their parents & elders) crossed borders of India with West Pakistan (now Pakistan) & East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) due to partition as a result of illegal population transfer] there cannot be any peace / secularism in Indian subcontinent.
(5)- It is for the simple reason that India has foolishly allowed theocratic Pakistan and Bangladesh to be practically free from Hindus (including Sikhs). Due to this wrong (un-martial) policy of India what to talk of ~ 20% Hindus from Pakistan & Bangladesh even in Hindu majority India the Muslim majority Kashmir got so emboldened that it forced out hundreds of thousands of Hindus (Kashmiri Pandits). This high handedness based on religion of Muslim majority Pakistan, Bangladesh and Kashmir (said agitation about CAA / NRC in India will take care of communalism of Hindus) needs to be stopped once and for all by restoring their demographic composition in favor of Hindus through dual citizenship.
(6)- India foolishly allowed and accepted population transfer practically on religious line due to partition. Rather India then should have made clear that every refugee in India (mainly Hindus) will have to be taken back and proper law & order will have to be provided by East & West Pakistan for these religious minorities otherwise India will be constrained to negate the partition. The wrongs of DEAD history should not be rectified but the wrongs of LIVE history which is giving trouble presently too (like problems about Kashmir, CAA / NRC etc in India and rabid communalism in Pakistan) can be and should be rectified [especially in view that ~ 20 % Hindus were wrongly forced out from both Pakistan and Bangladesh whereas Muslims gained some increase in India to about ~ 15 %].
(7)- India should also tell the world community that Pakistanis are never tired of saying that Muslims were dislodged from power in India by Britishers hence while leaving, the Britishers should have given India to Muslims. But these Pakistanis do not understand that present Pakistan & Indian Punjab up to Sutlej and J&K were ruled by Sikhs (mainly by Maharaja Ranjeet Singh up to Peshawar / Jamrud) and were dislodged from power by Britishers only, hence if the argument of these naïve & mischievous Pakistanis is conceded then Pakistan should be given to Sikhs.
(8)- But Pakistan may not see reason hence Indians should immediately do the following: -
(i)- India should declare publicly that India is prepared to carry out plebiscite in united J&K as mandated by IoA but it will be along with plebiscite in Balochistan because the IoA of Balochistan to Pakistan is not worth the paper it is written on as Indian military entered J&K after IoA of J&K to India was signed in October 1947 by its ruler in view of Pak invasion of J&K. But IoA of Baluchistan was signed (at gun point) in February 1948 (after Pakistan military invaded Balochistan) by its ruler who was not even authorized to sign this IoA as the Parliament (Dar-ul-Awam) has passed resolution for independence of Balochistan as succinctly mentioned at )
(ii)- If GoI does not do anything about said dual citizenship then the Indians should move the Supreme Court of India (a)- For making a declaration that ‘Population transfer’ is against the mandate of partition of India and against Secular Constitution of India (b)- For directing GoI to identify ~ 80 million said Hindus from Pakistan & Bangladesh and to work for giving these ~ 80 million Hindus dual citizenship (one for India and another for Pakistan or Bangladesh) (c)- For directing GoI that if any such displaced from Pakistan or Bangladesh (of any religion) want to come in India then they should also be given dual citizenship.
It is hoped that India will come out of traditional slumber and will do the said needful in the interest of avoiding unnecessary bloodshed in Indian subcontinent, which Pakistan and Turkey (as mentioned) are trying to trigger.
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On demand of our readers, I have decided to release E-Book version of "Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" on website of PCP which can also be viewed on website of Pakistan Christian Congress . You can read chapter wise by clicking tab on left handside of PDF format of E-Book.