Harry & Meghan should work for establishing ‘Extended Commonwealth’ and making UK a Republic. By Hem Raj Jain


As reported in media (also at https://www.harpersbazaar.com/celebrity/latest/a30456687/prince-harry-hinted-at-leaving-royal-family/ ) Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan have announced that they will relinquish royal duties in exchange for a more appealing common life. Harry & Meghan deserve congratulation for this bold decision of choosing a creative life. This decision of Harry & Meghan has not come a day too soon because: -

(1)- The Royal members [Queen Elizabeth II (due to old age), Prince Charles & William and their spouses ] are doing nothing about Commonwealth (CW) which is supposed to be the organization for which the UK left power in its all the colonies after World War II in the hope that in a new form of ‘Federal, Secular, Democratic political set-up’ all the members of CW will join it in future as equal partners /  members.

(2)- Presently there is an urgent need to realize such Extended-CW because the countries from Pacific to Iran need a unified political set-up (as mentioned at http://www.pakistanchristianpost.com/opinion-details/3519 ). The USA has lost the script (as mentioned at http://www.pakistanchristianpost.com/opinion-details/3524) hence the USA does not seem to be interested in realizing said USFSD Indo-Pacific. Therefore, the UK should take initiative (after making itself a Republic in place of Constitutional Monarchy) to realize such ‘United States of FSDR Commonwealth’ (USFSDRCW).

(3)- All the members of present CW and remaining members of to-be-launched USFSDRCW will join USFSDRCW one by one willingly because: -

(i)- Most of the members of USFSDRCW can work in English Language

(ii)- Though the UK left some unsavory memories in its former colonies such as economic exploitation and such incidences (for which UK apologized which no ruler, especially Muslims, has done in India) like Jallianwala Bagh etc but if a balance sheet is drawn then the UK has huge rather very huge goodwill in its favor in the mind of the people about British rule.

(iii)- This goodwill even some gratitude for Britishers are also for the  reason that the Britishers gave India (and its earlier members Pakistan and Bangladesh) the English Language (which is presently the dominant global language) along-with modern science & technology also through many seats of higher learning, railways, telegraph, powerhouses, factories etc. Moreover, Parliamentary democracy (comprising Executive, Legislative, Judiciary and fourth organ of State, the Media) is still being successfully practiced in these former colonies of the UK. The ~ 1.75 billion people of undivided India are still being managed administratively through major laws like ‘Civil Procedure Code’, Criminal Procedure Code, Indian Penal Code’ ‘Evidence Act’ etc given by the Britishers.

(iv)- The UK also certainly must be having very sweet memories of its colonies especially of united-India which apart from other thing gave the Britishers ~ 2 million people (soldiers and others) in each of World-War I & II which went a long way in protecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the UK during these World Wars.

(4)- Though it is only one of many problems which will find a satisfactory solution (of its members and of the world) once USFSDRCW is realized but here it is in context to mention that the UK will be justified in working for carrying out plebiscite (which is mandated by the ‘Instrument of Accession’ signed in 1947 by the then Governor General Lord Mountbatten and where united-J&K may become through plebiscite another member of USFSDRCW) in the interest of solving the chronic & gory Kashmir problem which has caused many wars and proxy wars between Pakistan and India (resulting in huge loss of lives, blood, properties and honor).

(5)- Harry & Meghan need not be deterred by the history of Pakistan which (West & East) was separated by about 1500 Kilometers and was dismembered giving birth to independent country Bangladesh in 1971. Various countries (members of new USFSDRCW) will also be separated (being spread in Asia, Africa and Americas) by long distances but they will not fall apart especially when genuine Secularism and Federalism (where only martial matters will be with the Center whereas all civil matters including natural resources will be with the States / Provinces) will be practiced in this USFSDRCW.

(6)- Otherwise also presently it is not the world of earlier-twentieth century. Now due to unprecedented advance in modern science & technology the world is bound to witness the ‘New horizon for mankind’ (NHM) as mentioned at https://www.alwihdainfo.com/New-horizon-for-mankind-expects-debate-on-global-issues-during-2020-US-President-election-campaign_a80912.html  and the USFSDRCW will not only go a long way in facilitating smooth transition to this NHM but this NHM will also be helpful in smooth realization of this USFSDRCW.

(7)- The people of the USFSDRCW will be happy to see Harry & Meghan as their first President (Head of the State & Supreme Commander of Armed Forces) and first Prime Minister of the USFSDWC through universal adult franchise in the entire USFSDRWC.

Therefore, now when the UK has already come out of European Union (EU), Harry & Meghan should work (after BREXIT) for making the UK a Republic and for establishing ‘Extended Commonwealth’ in a new form of USFSDRCW, as mentioned above.

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