The de-facto ruler of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Crown Prince and Prime Minister Mohammed Bin Salma popularly called MBS may be thinking that by p
Stephen Gill Presents Prophetic Words for India 2020. By Dr. Stephen Gill

Before referring to my prophetic words for India in 2020, I wish everyone every imaginable happiness in every year to come, and supplicate the Almighty to cleanse the air for the dove to breathe life into every home as well as in the universe.
I have used some disturbing prophetic words about India in my novel The Coexistence. My prophetic words about India in 2020 are not that disturbing. India will be remembered respectfully as the land that has nourished the souls like Gautama Buddha—the souls like Mahatma Gandhi, and shall continue nourishing more souls like them.
I will start my prophetic words about India 2020 with Kashmir because after the years of chaos —because after the years of sufferings—after the years of meaningless bloodshed, Kashmir is going to breathe comfortably because of the availabilities of jobs --and jobs, and --more jobs.
I envision a unique solidarity among the minorities that will be visible in an unprecedented growth in marriages among the religious minorities and also with the majority group. In addition to inter-religious and inter-caste marriages, there will be also unprecedented growth in the sphere of international marriages. As a result, a new outlook will emerge. India will become more westernized in social circles but the basic thinking shall remain Indianized within the walls of the homes. Some customs and festivals of India will be viewed largely as social and national traditions. This thinking will have a positive—this kind of thinking will have a productive impact on most aspects of life.
India will accept vegetarianism more, primarily for health reasons, and will use English more widely, in spite of minor oppositions here and there.
India/will develop more friendly ties—more friendly relations-- with the West, and particularly with Israel.
There will be theologians and scholars who will judge Christianity as an offshoot of the Vedic thoughts, considering particularly love. Also considering particularly mercy. Also considering particularly forgiveness and considering particularly peace as the strongest base of both the Vedas and the Gospels and also considering some other historical reasons. People will be more considerate towards the followers of Christ also because some of their scholars, Christ appears to have visited India before starting his amazing ministry of some three years. Christ / prophesized about happenings in the world. All his prophesies have come true as accurately as the prophecies about Christ made thousands of years before him have come true accurately.
The followers of the Vedic thoughts would welcome the faiths— the followers of the Vedic thoughts would welcome the spiritual paths-- the followers of the Vedic thoughts would welcome warmly the doctrines which profess unconditional love, the faiths which profess forgiveness, the faiths which profess peace. Indian leaders would realize that this way of thinking results in health for every individual and health for every nation, primarily because health brings in prosperity in every shape.
The masses of India will become more aware of the fact that during 150 years of their rule, the British rulers did not loot India as much as corrupt Indian political figures have looted India within a much shorter time through their devices to divide and deposit their ill-gotten money with foreign banks. Because of this awareness among the masses of India such corrupt political figures will find it extremely difficult to send their ill-gotten wealth abroad. This will help India to be more prosperous.
India will grow surprisingly much stronger in digital technology. This technology will be available to spread the fundamental human values within India and abroad.
In the land of the Buddha and Gandhi, India in 2020 would be like Israel. India would be a Mahanadi of blessings, and would become profoundly friendly with friends and profoundly unfriendly with its real foe who has confounded her enough now.
About Stephen Gill: Self-exiled Stephen Gill is a multiple award-winning Indo/Canadian poet, fiction-writer literary critic and essayist. He has authored more than thirty books, including novels, literary criticism, and collections of poems, and is the subject of doctoral dissertations, and research papers. Thirteen books of critical studies have been released by book publishers on his works and more are on the way. The focus of his writing is love and peace, based on his ideology of live and let live.
StephenGill, a multiple award-winning Indo/Canadian self-exiled poet, fiction writer, and essayist, has authored more than thirty books. He is the subject of doctoral dissertations and thirteen books of critical studies have been released. The focus of his writing is live and let live. Available For: writer or poet in residence.
I have used some disturbing prophetic words about India in my novel The Coexistence. My prophetic words about India in 2020 are not that disturbing. India will be remembered respectfully as the land that has nourished the souls like Gautama Buddha—the souls like Mahatma Gandhi, and shall continue nourishing more souls like them.
I will start my prophetic words about India 2020 with Kashmir because after the years of chaos —because after the years of sufferings—after the years of meaningless bloodshed, Kashmir is going to breathe comfortably because of the availabilities of jobs --and jobs, and --more jobs.
I envision a unique solidarity among the minorities that will be visible in an unprecedented growth in marriages among the religious minorities and also with the majority group. In addition to inter-religious and inter-caste marriages, there will be also unprecedented growth in the sphere of international marriages. As a result, a new outlook will emerge. India will become more westernized in social circles but the basic thinking shall remain Indianized within the walls of the homes. Some customs and festivals of India will be viewed largely as social and national traditions. This thinking will have a positive—this kind of thinking will have a productive impact on most aspects of life.
India will accept vegetarianism more, primarily for health reasons, and will use English more widely, in spite of minor oppositions here and there.
India/will develop more friendly ties—more friendly relations-- with the West, and particularly with Israel.
There will be theologians and scholars who will judge Christianity as an offshoot of the Vedic thoughts, considering particularly love. Also considering particularly mercy. Also considering particularly forgiveness and considering particularly peace as the strongest base of both the Vedas and the Gospels and also considering some other historical reasons. People will be more considerate towards the followers of Christ also because some of their scholars, Christ appears to have visited India before starting his amazing ministry of some three years. Christ / prophesized about happenings in the world. All his prophesies have come true as accurately as the prophecies about Christ made thousands of years before him have come true accurately.
The followers of the Vedic thoughts would welcome the faiths— the followers of the Vedic thoughts would welcome the spiritual paths-- the followers of the Vedic thoughts would welcome warmly the doctrines which profess unconditional love, the faiths which profess forgiveness, the faiths which profess peace. Indian leaders would realize that this way of thinking results in health for every individual and health for every nation, primarily because health brings in prosperity in every shape.
The masses of India will become more aware of the fact that during 150 years of their rule, the British rulers did not loot India as much as corrupt Indian political figures have looted India within a much shorter time through their devices to divide and deposit their ill-gotten money with foreign banks. Because of this awareness among the masses of India such corrupt political figures will find it extremely difficult to send their ill-gotten wealth abroad. This will help India to be more prosperous.
India will grow surprisingly much stronger in digital technology. This technology will be available to spread the fundamental human values within India and abroad.
In the land of the Buddha and Gandhi, India in 2020 would be like Israel. India would be a Mahanadi of blessings, and would become profoundly friendly with friends and profoundly unfriendly with its real foe who has confounded her enough now.
About Stephen Gill: Self-exiled Stephen Gill is a multiple award-winning Indo/Canadian poet, fiction-writer literary critic and essayist. He has authored more than thirty books, including novels, literary criticism, and collections of poems, and is the subject of doctoral dissertations, and research papers. Thirteen books of critical studies have been released by book publishers on his works and more are on the way. The focus of his writing is love and peace, based on his ideology of live and let live.
StephenGill, a multiple award-winning Indo/Canadian self-exiled poet, fiction writer, and essayist, has authored more than thirty books. He is the subject of doctoral dissertations and thirteen books of critical studies have been released. The focus of his writing is live and let live. Available For: writer or poet in residence.
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