"Sadhu Sundar Singh - a Short Biography" submitted by J Ravikumar Stephen


Sadhu Sundar Singh, known as the Holy Man of India and the Apostle of Christ from India, had lived and died for Christ during the early 20th century (1889-1929). Sundar Singh was raised a devout Sikh, and consecrated from his youth to become a Hindu Sadhu (hermit). However, his spiritual longings were not fulfilled until emotional and spiritual turmoil drove him to urgently ask the true living God to reveal Himself fully, lest he take his own life in the hope of finding peace in the next life. Barely hours, before he intended to take his own life, the young Sundar Singh had a dramatic vision of Jesus Christ. Immediately the emptiness and despair that had filled his heart was lifted, and his search for inner peace was over. The outcome was strikingly similar to that described in Acts 9:3-5 of the Bible`s New Testament. Thereafter, the born again Sadhu became a living witness of the eternal security, peace and comfort he had freely received. Despite opposition and rejection at home, he soon knew that he had to share his faith throughout the towns and villages of South Asia, and beyond into the dangerous mountain regions of Tibet. As Sundar Singh moved through his twenties his ministry widened greatly, and long before he was thirty years old his name and picture were familiar all over the Christian world. What better way than to put on the robes of a Sadhu, and to take to the road with no guarantee of food or shelter, but with a passionate desire to live as his Master had done before him?

A North Indian newspaper reported the following about Sadhu Sundar Singh:.

Miracle in the harvest:
Sundar moved through the towns and villages of North India, going annually to help in a holiday camp for disabled boys, occasionally staying for brief periods in a hill station or in hostels in Delhi and Simla, but always returning to what he knew to be his calling. Clad only in his saffron robe with a blanket over his shoulder, he went quietly on his way, spending the early hours of each day in solitary meditation and prayer, walking mile after mile across the plains, stopping to preach wherever he thought he saw an opportunity.
His prolonged presence was not always welcome. Seeing some men reaping in a field one day, he went to them and started preaching. They listened rather indifferently for a time and then began to swear at him. They did not want to hear about a strange religion, they told him. They had work to do. Then one of them picked up a stone and threw it at him so hard and so accurately that it cut his face. Sundar dabbed the bleeding spot and wisely said no more, but for some reason did not move away.
A short time later the man who had thrown the stone developed such a splitting headache that he had to stop work. One scythe idle at harvest time was a serious matter as Sundar knew, and without a word, he went forward, picked up the scythe and started to wield it. This made a good impression on the men, especially as he went on working until they all stopped. At their invitation, he went back to the village with them to have something to eat. It was not until after he had gone that they took stock of what had been reaped that day, and to their amazement found it was a greater yield than they had ever had before. Their surprise turned to awe. It was because they had had the holy man reaping with them. A holy man! But they had rejected his message. They tried to find him then but he had gone.

A writer in the New York Evening News said:
"This tall strong young man has come from India to tell the world of Christianity again. He has an entirely ageless look of both youth and age in one; joy, energy, wisdom…. He has a high glad way about him. He is said to look like the pictures of Christ, and he does; but there is a greater vitality and joy about him than is ever represented in the pictures of Christ. Perhaps the pictures are wrong.
He comes to bear testimony to the endless power; the endless joy of Christ, to tell how he to Christ and in that way found peace of mind. To Indians nothing matters but serenity and peace of mind, as perhaps nothing else matters to anyone. He feels no oddity about coming to America to tell the power of Christ, when for some many generations; people have gone from here to tell the same. Christians must tell their experience, their joy that is all…. Sects are strange unnecessary things, the Sadhu thinks. There is one God; why have so many creeds? Piece and quiet come from knowing Christ. Why cause dissension? But still! "This is the world," he says, resignedly though never without joy. "When all sects are one, it will be world no longer. It will be heaven then".

Mr.Frank Buchman of Hartford Theological Seminary, who had traveled for some weeks with the Sadhu wrote of him:
"I agree with the newspaper reporters of America who interviewed him, "Nearer the Christ than any living man we have seen". The leading papers gave him ample space. His pictures appeared in the movies, and he was able to reach influential and lay circles in the various cities. He is Spirit-taught and has almost a medium-like gift of sensing people and situations.
He brings the message of the Supernatural, which this age needs. Men simply flocked to hear him that he had scarcely time for his meals. I have just received a letter from the Headmistress of a leading preparatory school. She said there was a veil of light on every boy`s face as he left the Sadhu`s meeting. He said a true word when he predicted that America would have no spiritual leaders fifty years hence if she kept up her present pace. He has a practical message for America.
Sadhu S Sundar Singh visited Tibet every summer. In 1929, he visited that country again and was never seen since. May be he decided to be a yet another Maharishi at Kailash!

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