
By R S JOE (UK) The god of bible is creator God. According to the book of Geneses the creator is the God of his creation since the heaven and earth were not created.

It's the God who created each and every thing, so the creator God of bible is the God of angles,heavenly armies, sun , moon, shinning stars, oceans, snow,clouds, lighting and hail, mountains,trees, flowers,fruits, all animals, men, women, kings, prince, princes, rulers even every thing is in His control,that's why they spouse to have faith in the creator as being his creation.In psalm 148 there is call for universe to praise the God. Universal choir is consisted of angles, heavenly armies, oceans, mountains.

More interestingly angles are the one the creation of God mentioned as above whether they are in heaven serving the God or serving the people of God or fallen angles on the earth, demons and the fallen angles also believe the creator God, the book of revelation proves that the God bible is the God of gods.

Every religion on face of this earth got god or gods but the God of Abraham, Issac, Jacob is the God of gods who executes, judges the gods and punishes.

About other gods
1- They judges unfairly
2- They favor evil people
3- They do not favor poor and orphans
4- They do not defend helpless and every one in need
5- They do not rescue the weak and homeless
6- They play with the emmotions and feelings of humen beeing for their own purposes. There are countless thing what they do we can't imagin some time.

The god of jihad is one of them who uses terrorists to play the act of terrorism as tool to kill the spirit of love , association, understanding among the nations and religions. The god of jihad is anti Christ, it doesn't accept the crucifixion and resurection of Christ Jesus. The god of jihad challanges the authorities of word God by claiming that the other holy scriptures have been changed or twisted. The god of jihad calls to the choosen nation of the bible that Israel as infedles, the god of jihad does not acknowledge the blessings of this blessed nation and fighting with them in their promise land for many centuries.The countries which believe the god of jihad on principale and as per their foreign policy they don't accecpt

Israel and don't issue visas to the people who wish to go ther for pilgrimage. The god of jihad is not the god of peace is the god of war and destruction as in many countries war is going on like Pelistine, Indonesia,Philipines,Albania,Chechania more recent Afghanistan, terrorist attacks in USA, killings of innocent christians in Pakistan while they were worshiping the Almighty God. The god of jihad does not accept Jesus is the son of God, who got the power of heaven and earth and authority over death. The god of jihad is mercyless, it's god of persecution, it's god of controvercy, confusion, mass destruction which is going on due to his role of terrorism in the civilized world.

But the God of bible is the prince of peace, the followers of the God of bible to make peace among the nations they are struggling day and night to build bridges.The God of the bible is the God of mercy, forgiveness, love, compation,care, peace the most important thing is this that the God of life which other gods don't have.

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