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The Church of Pakistan was officially formed by the union of different Churches in 1970. Its Fundamental Principal was decided and declared, as defined in the Chapter III – article-A, of THE CONSTITUTION OF THE CHURCH OF PAKISTAN. That is:
The Church therefore acknowledges that every member has an immediate and direct relationship to God, shown equally by the life of faith and of individual conscience in response to the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.
Respect for the conscientious conviction of individual members shall be accorded by the Church, as long as they are in harmony with the mind of Christ and are not disruptive of the fellowship of His Body.”
As a matter of fact, today our Church may be doing every other thing but regretfully, ignoring its ‘Fundamental Principal’. All the ordained members of the Church of Pakistan whether Clergy (Pastors) or Episcopacy (Bishops) have held Lay members responsible for the present crisis in the Church of Pakistan, on the other hand, Laity (lay members) have claimed that the Episcopacy and Clergy is responsible for the destruction of the Church. Some people even think that the Church of Pakistan is at the edge of division, and some are even happy for it.
Today the most disruptive members of the Church of Pakistan are the ones who are on various Committees and Boards and especially the Heads of Institutions, who for their personal interests abuse their office and powers. Even at the Parish/Church level. Parish/Church Committee members cash the flaws and weaknesses of Clergy.
Some Bishops and so-called bishops are keeping “Ghunda elements”, as their paid workers and pay them huge amounts from the accounts of the Churches or Dioceses in the name of Security In-charge, Property Supervisor or by showing them as an employ of some project, which their Diocese is running, and in return these Ghunda elements forcefully implement the decisions of their lords/Bishops. Some Bishops are always trying to tout/sell the properties of the Church and some are trying to stop them. Some have approached the Courts to get ‘Declaration’ so that these properties may be saved and others are disputing them because if the Court of Law issues any sort of Declaration in this regard they will not be able to put up for sale the properties whose tokens they and their western share holder have already taken and consumed. Some have even joined hands with Terrorist Groups and Organizations in order to keep their opposition under pressure whereas some have made understandings with the Governmental Agencies to support their illegal actions.
As far as the Clergy is concerned, some Pastors say that the God Almighty is above all but He is above on the ‘Skies’, here on the earth Bishop Sahib is everything, as to them, he is more important than God. They never try to use their minds as they think; they are made to obey orders not to think. According to them Bishop Sahib is the only one who can think and whatsoever he thinks is from God. Most of the Pastors always obey Chapter IX; article A 5 (g) of the Constitution of the Church of Pakistan rather than considering the Word of God, (Matthews Chapter 5 verse 37).
Now as far as the Youth is concerned; most of us are not at all bothered about the life and witness of the Church, the present leadership is destructing the Church for their own hidden interests and we are sitting unwind; thinking that we can not do anything. But my dear Brothers and Sisters this leadership is not going to remain till eternity. Someday we have to take their places. Let me ask you one thing; do you think you know this system enough to run it? And not the way it is going; the way it should be. If we will not take interest today, tomorrow we will not be able to continue it. I am not trying to indulge you in the Church politics but calling to be concerned for what belongs to you. We are the legal heirs of the Church of Pakistan and if we will think in positive way we will be able to save our Church from the hands of the evil, who is working hard to achieve his ulterior motives.
With Best Personal Regards
Zishan Ejaz
Karachi Christian Youth Fellowship
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On demand of our readers, I have decided to release E-Book version of "Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" on website of PCP which can also be viewed on website of Pakistan Christian Congress . You can read chapter wise by clicking tab on left handside of PDF format of E-Book.