Salafists killing Sufi leaders in the Russian Federation: Syria and the mosaic also threatened. By Murad Makhmudov and Lee Jay Walker


The conflict in Syria may appear to be distant from the lives of American nationals and the same applies to France and the United Kingdom. Yet the national governments of these nations are all tacitly supporting the Free Syrian Army (FSA) against the government of Syria. However, for the Russian Federation the threat of Islamism is a known nightmare which is eating away at religious pluralism within the Islamic faith. Therefore, the Russian Federation is alarmed by the rise of the FSA in Syria and the various different Sunni Islamist terrorist organizations which are spreading carnage and mayhem.
Recently in Dagestan the Sufi spiritual leader Said Efendi Chirkeisky was killed by a suicide bomber along with a few followers. This happened in late August and the closeness to the recent attack against Sufi leaders in Tatarstan is a clear reminder that Salafism is a potent force within parts of the Russian Federation. Therefore, not surprisingly the Russian Federation is extremely alarmed by major Western powers once more working in collusion with the FSA, al-Qaeda and a whole array of Salafi terrorist organizations.
Dagestan is overwhelmingly Muslim and this part of the Russian Federation is also home to various different ethnic groups. It is reported that over 100,000 mourners turned up on the day of his funeral. This is a huge figure and shows the love of the people towards this respected Sufi cleric who wanted to sow the chord of peace in order to push back the forces of radicalism.
Often the Western media talks about the sectarian nature of the Syrian government. Yet this is over-hyped in order to attack the leadership of Bashar al-Assad and to entice Islamists to enter the fray and act like a proxy of America, Saudi Arabia, France, the United Kingdom, Turkey and Qatar. In reality, the Syrian government took in mainly Sunni Muslim refugees from Iraq and vast numbers of Palestinians. Shia Muslims, Christians and other minorities also fled the carnage which engulfed Iraq and each community was welcomed by the government of Syria.
The mosaic of Syria, Dagestan, Tatarstan and other parts of the Caucasus region which belongs to the Russian Federation, are all threatened by the forces of various Islamist terrorist organizations. At the same time the same Salafi ideology is spreading and turning against indigenous Islam. If the forces of monoculture succeed then various Muslim, Christian and Druze communities which exist in Syria and in parts of the Russian Federation will be threatened.
Aleksei Malashenko, the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, who is based in Moscow, commented about the death of the Sufi spiritual leader Said Efendi Chirkeisky. He stated that “He constructed good relations with the secular administration. He was very popular. He had pupils among the officials and even some ministers supported him….So, it is a tragedy for Dagestan because it shows a deep split between traditional and nontraditional Islam.”
In 2007 the highly respected spiritual leader survived an attempt upon his life. Despite this, he often criticized the forces of Wahhabism which is threatening the religious landscape because he refused to bow down to the forces of bigotry. Therefore, when news broke out about the suicide attack all mainstream religious leaders throughout the Russian Federation were visibly shocked and angry by such brutal methods. However, in the world of Salafi Islamic extremism then his death was greeted like a sacred duty.
Sadly, attacks also took place recently in Tatarstan against Sufi spiritual leaders. In an earlier article by Modern Tokyo Times it was stated that “Salafi Islamists have recently tried to kill the most influential Muslim leader in Tatarstan. This applies to Ildus Faizov who is a powerful Muslim spiritual leader in this part of the Russian Federation. Recently Ildus Faizov escaped the ravages of a bomb attack against his life on July 19, 2012. Valiulla Yakupov, who was extremely close to Ildus Faizov, sadly didn’t escape on the same day because he was shot dead in Kazan.”
“Ildus Faizov and the late Valiulla Yakupov, prior to the attacks which took place in July this year, were both known for their outspoken comments against the growing menace of radical Islam. Ildus Faizov clearly desires to preserve the co-existence of all religious groups in Tatarstan and to maintain traditional Islam from imported versions which focus on hatred and division. In this sense, the current problem in Tatarstan is a battleground which needs the full support of all religious and secular groups throughout the country. After all, “the soul” of this part of the Russian Federation will impact greatly if the forces of hatred spread their powerbase.”
The most sizeable religious population in Tatarstan is the Islamic faith but Orthodox Christianity is also well represented. Within traditional Islamic religious circles and the Russian Orthodox Church they want to preserve the mosaic of this part of the Russian Federation alongside all secularists and non-believers. Therefore, the growing menace of Salafism poses a threat to both indigenous Islam in Tatarstan and to the followers of Russian Orthodox Christianity.
In Syria the government of Bashar al-Assad is holding out against the brutal meddling of outside nations which are supporting sectarianism, sedition, mercenaries and Islamic terrorists. Also, the media war is inciting hatred towards the Syrian government despite the vast majority of Sunni Muslims remaining loyal to Bashar al-Assad. The combination of major Western powers alongside Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Qatar however is creating a nightmare for the Syrian government.
Terrorist attacks are now part of the landscape in Syria in many parts of this country because of the brutal methods of outside nations. At the same time all minorities reside in fear because of the barbarity of the FSA and various Islamist factions. Beheading minorities and supporters of Bashar al-Assad irrespective of faith is also a daily reality alongside hanging people and systematic torture.
The powers in Moscow are at a loss because Saudi Arabia and Qatar are openly financing terrorists and mercenaries. Turkey likewise is assisting the FSA and clearly terrorists and covert operatives from America, France and the United Kingdom have a free reign in parts of this nation. Alongside this is the media war, economic blockade, international terrorists and a whole array of brutal methods being used against the government of Syria. This also includes the killing of journalists by the FSA and silencing the media of Syria.

Prior to outside nations spreading hatred, sectarianism, terrorism and sedition these forces had been contained throughout the Russian Federation and Syria respectively. Therefore, various different faith communities resided together alongside different ethnic groups. However, now the forces of sectarianism and religious bigotry are spreading their dangerous ideology to the people of the Russian Federation and Syria respectively.
Said Efendi Chirkeisky tried to reach out to the followers of Salafi Islam in Dagestan in order to bridge the gap between normal followers of this faith and the militants which only see Islamic jihad and supremacy. His death is a sad reminder that the forces of evil remain potent in parts of the Russian Federation. Therefore, many dangers lie ahead if this menace is not challenged throughout the Caucasus region and Tatarstan.
In Libya the Salafi fanatics are now destroying Sufi shrines and likewise the same is happening in northern Mali. The bloodshed in Syria is now a conflict which is pitting pluralism against Islamism which seeks to enslave modernity and all forces which support secularism. Northern Mali is witnessing the same Islamist hatred and the same is happening in Libya where traditional Islam is under attack.
The Syrian army is spilling their own blood for all Syrians irrespective of religion in order to preserve the mosaic of this nation and its independence. However, the FSA and various Islamist terrorist organizations desire to destroy the mosaic of Syria and to govern this nation under a strict version of radical Islam. For this reason, it is imperative that Salafism is defeated and the same applies to the foreign policy objectives of America, Saudi Arabia, France, Qatar, Turkey and the United Kingdom which are all backing “the dark forces of history.” Barbaric crimes of the FSA and Islamists in Syria
+18 SYRIE// 20 min realisé par SyrianTruth mont...
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