Pastor Akram and Two Christians charged under blasphemy.


Okara: August 21, 2006. Pastor Akram, Rasheed Masih and Bashir Masih (Councilor) all resident of Chack No 55/II-L District Okara (about 2 km away from main city Okara) have been accused to desecrate Quranic verses.

A Christian named as Abid son of Rasheed was in love with his cousin named Gulshan aged 21. About 2 months ago Abid and Gulshan eloped, embraced Islam and got married under Muslim rites. They lived at unknown place for two months. Now after about two months Abid along with his wife, came back and started living with his family. Somebody complained Molvies (Muslim preachers) of locality that Abid and his wife have embraced Islam and now they are living with Christians. Some Molvies came to Abid's home about two weeks ago. They warned Abid and his wife that they have embraced Islam and they can not live with Christians now. They also threatened the couple for dire consequences if they would come back to Christianity. Pastor Akram, Bashir councilor and Abid's father Rasheed Masih were also at home at that time. When Molvies saw pastor in the house, they became aggressive and went back by threatening them. A Muslim leader named as Mian Abdul Sameeh Minhaaj-ul-Quran President of an organization "Tahfuz-a-Nou Muslim" (protection of new Muslims) moved a fake application in local police station. He accused Pastor Akram to snatched Quranic verses from him and threw to Bashir councilor, Bashir threw that Quranic verses to Rasheed and they all desecrated the Quranic verses. Molvi Mian Abdul Sameeh also accused Pastor Akram etc to keep a New Muslim couple in their illegal detention. On 18th August 2006 police came to Abid's house and took Rasheed Masih to police station Sadder Okara. Police also took Pastor Akram and Bashir councilor to police station. Station House Officer (SHO) bound them to appear before Deputy Superintendent Police, police station Sadder Okara on 19th August 2006. Police did not arrest any of them and matter has been presented before Deputy Superintendent of Police named as Younas Butt (DSP) police station Sadder Okara who called both of parties today, on 18th August 2006 for investigation.

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