A Christian boy in love with Muslim girl in Pakistan: Converts to Islam and marries but loses Christianity and wife.


Karachi: Noman Saeed, a Christian boy falls in love of Muslim girl Laiba Ali and both promise to marry but law of apostasy prohibits such relationships in Pakistan

According to Islamic laws, which exists parallel to judicial system, declare death sentence for those who denounce Islam and convert to any other religion. Its also surprising to note that enforced conversion of Christian women after abduction by Muslims is at rise after implementation of Islamic laws since 1979, by Presidential Orders of enforcement of "Prohibition of Hudd ordinance". Noman and Laiba to avoid any litigation and enjoy peaceful marriage decided the conversion of Noman and perform their marriage with all Islamic rituals. But what happened, a tragedy: Noman sacrificed his religion and converted to Islam on June 20, 2006, and informed his old man Saeed Massey Mangha. His father Saeed Massey who resides in Dr. Ziauddin Hospital Employees Colony, Karachi, has not even dreamed of that any one from his family shall ever even think of leaving Christianity. He was stunned by news of Noman conversion to Islam but it was late to control situation. His son Noman Saeed was now Mohammad Noman. Laiba Ali, a Muslim girl is daughter of Mr. Shorab Ali Meu who is a S.H.O (C.I.A) Preedy Police Station Karachi. After information of marriage of his daughter Laiba Ali with converted Mohammad Noman, Sohrab Ali becomes furious but finds out a legeal Islamic way out. He askes Laiba to sign " Khula" documents to dissolve her marriage. Khula: is legal right of Muslim woman to seek divorce from her husband under Islamic laws while muslim man can divorce his wife by simply uttering Arabic word " Tallaq" for three times. Jammmah: is another interesting term in Islamic law to protect prostitution when a Muslim woman can marry to any man for hours time period. This law of " Jammmah" is practiced in many Islamic countries where 'Red Light Area" Muslim prostitutes keep two register on entrance. The customer must sign marriage register before sexual demands and shall sign divorce register on leaving after sexual performance. When Mohammad Noman refused to sign " Khula" or divorce documents, the influential Muslim parents of Laiba Ali threatened Noman family and then Agony of a Christian Family starts. Naveed Saeed Masssey, brother of Mohammad Noman contacts Pakistan Christian Post and writes this story. We are presenting Naveed Saeed Communication to PCP in his on words: Respected Sir, On the 18th of June my father Saeed Massey Mangha Resident of Dr. Ziauddin Hospital Employee's colony, Gole Market, Nazimabad, Karachi, heard my brother (Noman Saeed) talking on the mobile around 3 o'clock (night) with someone about court marriage, he kept calm and continue listening to his conversation. In morning he asked him very politely but he didn't reveal the name of the girl's father as he was afraid that "Saeed Massey was going to inform the girl's (Laiba Ali) father about the situation." We tried to put some sense into his mind but it was too late. We some how got in touch with the girl and tried to get something out of her. The only information that was revealed by the girl (Laiba Ali) was that she was being forced to get marry with her cousin, which was scheduled on 26th of June. He further told my father that either by hook or by crook I am going to marry her. He added that the girl (Laiba Ali) is willing to change her religion for my brother Noman Saeed. My father was very afraid as a minority in Pakistan would be and he told my brother that if you don't follow my orders I would break my relationship with you. On 20th of June he accepted Islam and informed my father that I have changed my religion because you were not supporting me. My father then on 21st of June prepared the papers for (Aaq Nama) and printed this on the 24th of June in Daily Jang newspaper. Now he became Mohammad Noman and soon after that, on 23rd of June he got married in the court. This was not the end, this was the beginning: Noman dropped Laiba Noman to her home on 23rd of June and than when he got the Nikah Nama from the court he went to Laiba's home and took her from their. Laiba informed her father that she got married with Mohammad Noman on which Mr. Shorab Ali Meu who is a S.H.O (C.I.A) Preedy Police Station Karachi first told her that she is no longer alive for him but again after some hours when she called her father responded and said that the paper for (khula) are ready you are welcome if you sign them or otherwise. Laiba didn't agree to that and than their worst nightmare started. Laiba uncle (Mammo) asked Noman that he want to solve this problem! Mohammad Noman responded and told that his all legal documents and case is submitted in Nazimabad Union Council office with Nazim Farooq. Then Noman informed Mr. Nazim that they want to discuss his case. As my father is Minority councilor in the same UC, Nazim called my father and said that Laiba father came and he want his girl back. In the morning I left for my job as so do my youngest brother Suleman Saeed for this job. When he was coming back to home, a motor cyclist attacked him and tried to make him fell on sharah-e-faisal but by the grace of God he succeeded in escape. Now the problem was whether Mohammad Noman and Laiba Noman were safe or not. So we searched and found them. Our biggest objective was to provide them safety, we told them to ask for help from nine zero as Noman was former worker of MQM. He hoped that MQM may provide some protection which they didn't and said that they will not interfere in this matter. Than they arranged for press conference as this was the only hope and both Mohammad Noman and Laiba Noman were going to attend this. Time of 4Pm was allotted to them on 27th of June. Mr. Shorab Ali Meu is a very resourceful man he soon found out that they had arranged this for their protection and told his daughter that he is accepting them both. He further called my father Mr. Saeed Massey Mangha and told him to prepare the necessary documents, which were going to be signed by Shorab Ali Meu. Both Mohammad Noman and Laiba Noman were very happy but this didn't last for long. When he appeared at the UC-11 office in front of Nazim Farooq, he refused to sign the documents, exerted pressure on my father from all corners and demanded again for his daughter. He signed few documents of compromise that neither my father Saeed Massey Mangha nor Shorab Ali Meu is going to harm each other's families and try to take her daughter. Laiba made a lot of noise and said that she doesn't want to go with her father. Than her mother and aunt (Mami) whisper something into her ear, she again registered that she is going on due to her mother and mami. May be because his father tried to shoot her mother 3day back and due to her brother rescue accidentally shot in his own leg, but this may be a rumor. Now it's being 5th day and when Mohammad Noman demanded to talk to his wife Laiba he refused totally. Then Mohammad Noman held a press conference and told the journalists that his wife laiba noman has been kept as a prisioner in her own house and her father is not letting Noman to even talk to his wife. He further added that he, his wife and his family i.e. (Father, mother, two brothers and two sisters) lives are at risk. He also gave laiba`s father two days time before he files a (habz-e-beja) case on laiba`s father which didn`t bother him at the same day miraculously laiba contacted my youngest brother and told him that his father is going to send them false papers for (Divorcé) and we shouldn`t sign them which we got after 5days but didn`t receive it. Now Laiba`s presence was due on 11th of July but his father didn`t let her appear and the next date is 20th of July. Hope that God will listen our prayers? Naveed Saeed Massey What a tragic story of Noman saeed?

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"Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" By Nazir S Bhatti

On demand of our readers, I have decided to release E-Book version of "Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" on website of PCP which can also be viewed on website of Pakistan Christian Congress www.pakistanchristiancongress.org . You can read chapter wise by clicking tab on left handside of PDF format of E-Book.

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