The Christians in Pakistan are surprised on this lawsuit and expressing grave concern. They are forced to think that this lawsuit is religious harassment, persecution and religious discrimination through honorable courts now.
PCP talked to prominent Christian social and political leaders who are of opinion that Muslim fundamental elements in Pakistan are planning to file blasphemy charges against clergy through courts when government has principally agreed to register blasphemy charges after due investigation by high officials and such Muslim tools are not happy with government instructions.
It is very easy to kill and save from assassination charges for any Muslim in Pakistan on charging any Christian on defiling Prophet Mohammad, his wives and Suhaba-e- Kram (Disciples). There have been incidents of killing many Christian accused of blasphemy in and outside court buildings during hearings of cases.
Bishop T Nasir has informed President of Pakistan, Prime Minister of Pakistan, Chief Justice of Supreme Courts of Pakistan, Minister of Religious Affairs, Governor of Sindh Province and other relevant offices.
Here were presenting copy of the letter written to Chief Justice of Sindh High Court:
To, His Honor,
The Chief Justice,
Sindh High Court,
Your Honor,
With due respect, I wish to bring the following few lines to your kind notice for sympathetic consideration and "Just" action from your kind self.
One Illias Sattar Son of Haji Ismail (Late) Resident of Flat No 4, 2nd Floor, 19 Commercial Area, Bahadurabad Karachi, has been publishing highly derogatory articles against the Christian Faith, and the Holy Bible and Christian Community. His Magazine "Saut Ul Islam" since long (Copies Attached). His Magazine first came to my knowledge in May 2002 when I received this magazine through mail. In June 2002. He had insulted the Holy Bible by writing (Assali {Real} Bible) in Brackets of the inner Title of the magazine. Your Honor, there is no "Assali or Naqli Bible" The Holy Bible is "Bible" yet he wrote and published "Assali Bible and "Koran Majeed" on the "Inner Title" of the magazine. He also printed an extremely derogatory article written by one Dr. Saeed Ijaz Ahmad in which the writer wrote an extremely insulting and derogatory article about one of our most respected Saints, Saint Paul. In June Issue of the same magazine Mr. Illias Sattar repeated his previous words against the Holy Bible. Abu Bilall Nasir Ghany another writer wrote in June issue of the same magazine an unbearable Article against the Four Gospels of the Holy Bible. On which I wrote in my magazine the Monthly Kalam-E-Haq published from Gujranwala and refuted the derogatory publications by Muslim writers and mentioned the name of Mr. Illias Sattar. Thereafter and long series of "Email" messages and counter messages started between my self and Mr. Illias Sattar.
Thereafter he offered a "Debate" in any country of the world and suggested that I should go to any court any where in the world. Finally he told me to go to Mumbai India. As a retired officer of Pakistan army, I declined his offer to go to India on valid grounds. Meanwhile he kept sending Emails with intent of insulting me and my faith.
He demanded to write an article on any verse of the Holy Koran in Arabic, which I declined. In January 2005 after two and a half years of constant insult and reading abusive language from Mr. Illias Sattar and his followers, I did ask him "Three questions" regarding the Holy Koran for my personal knowledge and understanding of the Holy Koran. Having received no answer and his constant demand of "going to court" I challenged him for a "Debate" in Gujranwala on 31 March 2005 and gave him the "Dead Line" of 30th April 2005 I asked him either to come to Gujranwala by 30th April 2005 or give a date of his convenience. He neither came to Gujranwala nor gave any date to come to Gujranwala. Meanwhile he kept insulting me through one of his followers, Muhammad Abdullah Sheikh a convert to Islam from Christianity.
On his failure to come to Gujranwala or give a date to come to Gujranwala, I declared his "Defeat" and as he himself had fixed a reward of Rupees Twenty Million, I asked him to concede and pay Rupees Twenty Million, I demanded the "Award Money". He kept silent for almost Two months and on 26th June 2005 I received a telephone call from one of his followers that Mr. Illias Sattar wanted a bigger "Platform" for "Mubahilla or Munazra" while he increased the reward from Twenty Million Rupees to Fifty Million Rupees along with previous reward of Twenty Million Rupees. I offered him a "Bigger Platform" and asked him to make arrangements in National Convention Center Islamabad.
I also requested that this proposed "Debate" be chaired by His Excellency the President of Pakistan, and His Honor, the Chief Justice of Pakistan as the Judge who will decide the out come of the proposed "Munazra or Mubahilla". I also asked him to make all necessary arrangement at Islamabad that included one month advance announcement of the proposed "Mubahilla or Munazra" and arrange "Live Coverage" of all available Television Channels. I also asked him to invite the Prime Minister of Pakistan, the Federal Ministers, the Governors leaderss of MMA and Muslim Ulma and all important personalities of Pakistan and Azad Kashmir.
I also suggested that who so ever is defeated in this "Munazra or Mubahilla" will committee suicide and finally I reminded him that of the previous reward of April 2005 Munazra in which he failed to show up for "Debate" or "Munazara" and wrote him" You owe me Rupees Twenty Million.
I gave this challenge on 30th June 2005 and proposed that he should make all arrangements by 31 December 2005. I also told him that if he fails to meet me in Islamabad by 31st December, I shall consider him "Doctrinally Dead".
Failing to find a way out, he sent me a legal notice on 27th of July 2005 for an unconditional apology and compensation of Rupees Twenty Million. I rendered my apology immediately but refused to pay any compensation.
Meanwhile Mr. Illias Sattar kept on sending me "Emails" by different names. When one of our churches in Faisalabad sent a "Legal Notice" to Mr. Illias Sattar for defaming me, he wrote them to "go and file a case against me". However I did not want my church to get into litigation. I stopped them from any further action against Mr. Illias Sattar.
As Mr. Illias Sattar once again failed to face me in Islamabad and I had already told him that after 31 December, he will be considered "Doctrinally Dead" and defeated. I wrote and printed articles "Yakam Janwari 2006 Tak" in anticipation of "Absence" of Mr. Illias Sattar from Islamabad Munazrra or Mubahilla, as till 7th December 2005 he had made no arrangements for the proposed "Debate" (Photo Copy Attached).and briefly wrote the whole story on the claims of Mr. Illias Sattar. In the same issue of the Monthly Kalam-E-Haq Gujranwala, I printed a declaration of "Doctrinal Death" of Mr. Illias Sattar. (Photo Copy Attached)
This was a normal report for Christian community and readers of the Monthly Kalam-E-Haq. Mr. Illias Sattar who had no answer to my declaration started using his followers who wrote even poems to insult me. I did snub them though I had written off Mr. Illias Sattar for any future exchange of views or communication. Yet he sent a collective Email through one of his followers, to restart the same old and out dated issue.
Your Honor, in past Four years, Mr. Illias Sattar and his followers insulted me and the Christian Community of Pakistan almost every day. They even called me "Bastard", they called me "a Christian one who cleans their Latrines", printed colored "Insulting Posters and Hand Bills" and called me a "Liar". I have received "Death Threats" and "Hurt to my Family". They have not let go any opportunity to insult me in most shameful manner. They even did not spare my Late father.
In past four years, Your Honour, they ridiculed my Faith, my Holy Book, the Holy Bible, insulted the Holy Personage of Christianity. Mr. Illias Sattar and his followers have left no stone unturned to disgrace Christian community and Christianity in most "Hateful" and "Derogatory" way. Yet I did nor report this "Malpractice" of Mr. Illias Sattar and his followers to any authority. I have been bearing and tolerating the "Insult" of my Religion and I too have replied then in "most appropriate manner" as and when required.
Your Honor, I too am a staunch believer of my faith and have right to rebuke all or any one who tries to insult my religion, faith, my Holy Book, our Holy Personage and the Holiness of my Lord Jesus Christ. I too have the same sentiments when my religious feelings are also hurt when I read the insult of my religion to such an extent by people like Mr. Illias Sattar and his followers as the feelings of any Pakistani Muslim.
Your Honor, after failing to prove the truth of his "Personal Doctrinal Views" and to make me concede (where as Mr. Illias Sattar should have conceded) now he has sought the help of "Provincial Judiciary" of Sindh Province and has filed a case against me in Karachi High Court. On 11th May 2006, I have received a "Summon" from the "Assistant Registrar D. II" of the High Court of Sindh at Karachi Civil Suit No 580 of 2006, as "SUIT FOR RECOVERY OF RS. 10,00.00.000/= AS DAMAGES/COMPENSATION. I have been summoned to appear in the Court before Additional Registrar (OS) in person, or a pleader on 10th August 2006. This action taken by Mr. Illias Sattar has no legal and moral base. He wants to make me travel between Gujranwala and Karachi a distance of more than 1250 Kilometers. Spending time in traveling and spending money on my travel between Gujranwala and Karachi for which Mr. Illias Sattar once gave me a threat.
Your Honor, I am an old "Cardiac Patent" have had two major "Cardiac Attacks" in April 1997 and February 2002. I had my "Angioplasty" done on 3rd January 2006. Therefore traveling between Gujranwala and Karachi is extremely dangerous for me in present state of health.
Your Honor, I find no Justification of the Civil Suit against me. All I can understand is that Mr. Illias Sattar is "Cashing his Islamic Identity" while "now I believe" that we the Christian Minority can be "Harassed, Persecuted and Punished" without any justification. Therefore I take the Summons from Sindh High Court Karachi as Religious Harassment, Persecution with intent to Punish the Christian Community through the highest Court of Province of Sindh.
Therefore Your Honor, with a wounded heart and Sad State of mind, I am very humbly sending this Appeal to you to provide me Justice, by ordering the withdrawal of the Civil Suit No 86 of 2006 for which Summons have been sent to me the "Assistant Registrar D. II" and an inquiry may please be ordered on the "Hateful" activities of Mr. Illias Sattar against Christianity, Christian Faith, his habit of insulting the Holy Bible and our Holy Personage.
Your Honor, I too have some rights and respect in my country and community at national and international level. Yet Mr. Illias Sattar has targeted me maliciously just to satisfy his ego as a Muslim citizen of Pakistan, against wham he believes to be "Subjects" of Pakistan
Your Honor, please provide me with Justice as a "Right" and not as "Privilege", and protection from dangerous and malicious designs and intentions of Mr. Illias Sattar who might try to assassinate me while I appear in Karachi High Court for which, as I mentioned earlier, kill me or endanger my life and future of my family in Pakistan.
If my complaint can not be addressed Your Honor, I would request you in all honesty to please "Expel" me from Pakistan for being found guilty to be a Christian and as "Persona Non Grata". Your Honor, I have decided to "Surrender my Pakistani Nationality" the very day I appear in the Sindh High Court in this Case.
Your Honor, please find the Photo State Copies of the Summons from Sindh High Court against me and the Monthly Kalam-E-Haq, the copies of Monthly Saut Ul Islam, containing derogatory material against Christianity, the Holy Bible and our Holy Personage. All other relevant material can be provided to you only, Your Honor so that you can study the whole matter that started in July 2002 and has culminated in a Civil Suit against me and require your personal intervention to bring an end to my miseries and the miseries of Christian Community of Pakistan, Your Honor.
I thank you in anticipation Your Honor, for the providing me the Justice for which I have pleaded for, very honestly
Yours Very Faithfully,
Signed XXXXX
Rt. Rev. Dr. Major, (Retired) Timotheus Nasir,
Bishop of the Siloam Biblical Christian Churches of Pakistan,
Principal Faith Theological Seminary, Gujranwala.
Managing Editor, The Monthly Kalam-E-Haq Gujranwala.
Seal of the Church
Copy To, His Honor,
The Chief Justice of Supreme Court of Pakistan,
His Excellency,
General Pervaiz Musharraf,
President of Islamic Republic of Pakistan,
President House,
His Excellency,
Mr. Shaukat Aziz,
Prime Minister of Pakistan,
Prime Minister Secretariat,
His Excellency Mr. Ijaz Ul Haq
Federal Minister for Religious Affairs,
Government Of Pakistan,
His Excellency,
Mr. Muhammad Wasi Zafar,
Federal Minister for Law, Justice and Human Rights
His Excellency
Dr. Ishrat Ul Abad,
Governor, Sindh
Governor House,
His Excellency,
Professor Mushtaq Victor,
Minister of State, for Minority Affairs,
Green Tower, Blue Area,
His Excellency
Mr. Ch. Haroon Qaisar (MNA)
Parliament House,
All Christian Leaders in Pakistan.
All Emabbasadors of None Islamic Countries,
All Human Rights Organizations