Who is Bishop Azariah?


I have received an e-mail circulation without senders name but URL printed for further information at end takes you to “ Website of Diocese of Raiwind of Church of Pakistan”. Mr. Samuel Azariah is known to be Bishop of Raiwind dioceses”

according to information in said website which also confirms that it is smallest diocese in Church of Pakistan. In this fictitious mail, it is urged not to trust in e mails of Church of Pakistan News service and without mentioning name of Pakistan Christian Post, PCP is attacked by remarks as " institution-less website from New York/Philadelphia" Being, editor of Pakistan Christian Post, it is my obligation and moral duty to response to such remarks but firstly I want to make it clear that PCP is not involved in filthy politics of Church of Pakistan. The PCP is independent voice of poor Pakistani Christians and covers incidents of Christian persecution in Pakistan. We believe that oppressed Christian nation in Pakistan is victim of administration and Muslim majority but those Christian elements are also fully responsible who support government for their vested interests. The PCP stands without any fear alongside Christian victims against government of Pakistan and such collaborators in persecutions. I wish to clarify that Pakistan Christian Post website is fully supported by my sincere efforts, thousands of volunteer writers and millions of well-wishers while Raiwind diocese website is part of begged donations collected in name of poor Christians. The PCP covers Christian persecution while Raiwind diocese website is to admire Mr. Azariah and safeguard his vested interests and to satisfy his donors. The PCP covered murder of a Christian woman to ensure justice while e-mail in circulation is alleging one person of womanizing and land mafia who was once a part of Raiwind diocese. Is Mr. Samuel Azariah or Mr. Nathaniel Gill responsible of murder of Khalida Gill? Let justice prevail and decide! Always remember that PCP is an esteemed institution of millions of Christians and in future if any one shall try to attack PCP with such malafied intentions, PCP shall be forced to disclose facts about Pakistani clergy involved in sales of church properties and living like feudal lord on begged donations in name of Christian uplift and development projects.

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nazirbhattipcc@aol.com , pakistanchristianpost@yahoo.com