No bail again for Parvez Mash arrested under blasphemy laws. CRWSI shall challenge in Supreme Courts of Pakistan. Aslam Parvez.


Parvez Masih’s bail application appeal to challenge the denial of bail by division Bench of Lahore High Court was presented for hearing in the court of Justice Khalil Ramday in Lahore High Court on September 24,2001, was rejected again. Parvez Masi

During the hearing to day, the Secretary General of PLF) said that the Article of 295-C is not a complete law, therefore honorable Justice cannot take right decision. The jurist on Islamic laws said that the article 295-C should be amended, Because when such as cases are heard the witness also defiles the Holy Prophet again and again by questions and answers by the Justice even and Some time the honorable Judges utter such sentences falling under jurisdiction and the range of Article 295-C. In these circumstances it is necessary to change the incomplete article. Dr. Farooq Hussain said that in the life of Holly Prophet many times a woman and others insulted him but he doesn't mind, so the Article 295-C is incomplete law. Raja Abdul Rehman Advocate, the leader of Jail Reformer Committee, said that it cannot bound to all the world's religions under the Article 295-C. Because the other religions Followers have not same feeling like Muslims for the Holly Prophet. Mian Asras-ul-Haq advocates said that it is very difficult for Justice to prove the accused guilty of blasphemy. Azam Nazir Tarid demanded the necessary amendment in Article 295-C. Mr. Aslam Pervaz, the chairman (CRWSI) said that this demand is real sense of humanity. Its learned that the attorney of Parvez Mash did, t took proper interest in the hearing of bail to day because the parents and family members of Parvez Msih fail to pay their heavy fees and other organizations helping in legal fight also lost interest without funds. The family of Parvez Mash is very poor and their only supporter Parvez is in Jail now. The Christian Rights welfare Society International have sought the power of attorney from parents of Parvez Mash for further legal actions on their members contributions and donations appealed in general.

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