PCC condemn the killing of seven Christians in Karachi. Nazir Bhatti


New York. September 25. Mr. Nazir S Bhatti, President, Pakistan Christian congress have expressed his grief to the families of Aslam Martin, Mushatq Roshan, karmran Anjum, John Mendez, Iqbal Allarakha, Benjamin Talib and Edwin Foster on their killing

He said that he personally knew these martyrs and struggle Aslam Martin and Mushtaq Roshan to organize the Christians youth on gross root levels shall ever remain land mark and Christians in Pakistan shall never forget their services rendered to their uplift and awareness. Mr. Nazir Bhatti said that Justice and Peace institute of Karachi was under constant threat after the arrest of Rev. Fr. Arnold Herridia, then director of Justice and Peace on leading protest procession against the blasphemy laws on arrest of one Muslim religious group leader Gohar Shahi from Hyderabad, on which the Muslim extremist groups threat were feared but unfortunately the security measures of Justice and Peace offices were ignored even after the attacks on Murre school killings and Taxila Church Massacre. Mr. Nazir S Bhatti said that Christian churches, schools and Christian colonies are in unsafe areas through out Pakistan and government of Pakistan shall by security pilot project shall adopt necessary measure to ensure security of Christian property life in Pakistan which is under potential threat of Muslim extremist militant groups in Pakistan. He expressed his concern of security of Christian leaders and activists during this election campaigns when some Christians groups and churches have openly announced to decided to join the moderate Muslim political parties which can make Muslim religious groups more angry on the Christians in Pakistan. Mr. Bhatti urged the moderate Muslim political parties to join hands with their Christian counter parts in elections for their security of life and property. Mr. Bhatti said that Mr. Aslam Martin killing is great loss for Christian leadership in Pakistan and such leaders were true demand of poor Christians of Pakistan. He extended his grief and sorrow to his widow, his father in law Rev. Zahoor Paul and his family members. Mr. Bhatti talked to PCC leaders Morris Sadiq, Naeem ul Zaman Khokhar and Saleem Balouch at Karachi to condole the deaths of these seven Christians of Justice and Peace and to approach the administration to discuss the positive steps of Christians in Pakistan. He talked to Professor Salamat Akhter at Rawalpindi and other leaders of PCC to drive campaigns of Christian's life and property at their own. Mr. Bhatti demanded the government of Pakistan to allow the arms licenses to the general Christians in Pakistan on failing to their constitutional obligations to guarantee security of citizen after massacre of Christians worshipers in Bahawalpur, islamabad, Murre and Taxila and now on the office of charity organization, Mr. Bhatti appealed to the Christians to sell out their jewellery, TV sets, refrigerators and make savings by fasting to buy the arms for their self protection and their properties.

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"Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" By Nazir S Bhatti

On demand of our readers, I have decided to release E-Book version of "Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" on website of PCP which can also be viewed on website of Pakistan Christian Congress www.pakistanchristiancongress.org . You can read chapter wise by clicking tab on left handside of PDF format of E-Book.

nazirbhattipcc@aol.com , pakistanchristianpost@yahoo.com