PPP was never in favor of Christian rights. PPP and APMA alliance is against interests of Christians. Nazir Bhatti.


Karachi. September 23. Pakistan Christian Congress condemned the election alliance between PPP and All Pakistan Minorities Alliance and termed it against the will of the 15 million Christian of Pakistan. Talking to Salim Balouch, advisor to Nazir s B

Mr. Nazir Bhatti said that Christians could never forget the nationalization of missionary schools, colleges and hospitals by the PPP government and indiscriminate police firing on peaceful protest procession by PPP and killing Nawaz And James Masih in Rawalpindi. He expressed that Christian have not forgotten those martyrs in the PPP regime. Mr. Bhatti said that PPP never moved any motion against Blasphemy laws in parliament being present in house nor dared to propose the procedural amendments in this during their regimes. Mr. Bhatti said that slogan of joint elections was ever used to capture the vote bank of Christians in Pakistan by the PPP when PPP never nominated any Christian candidates in 1977 elections and there is not single Christian candidate nominated on PPP ticket in these elections on general seats. Mr. Nazir s Bhatti said that Joint elections are conspiracy against the Pakistani Christians and Muslim political parties have planned to impose leadership of their own choice on Christians to end their voice in the parliament. Mr. Nazir s Bhatti said that formation of All Pakistan Minorities Alliance was on indication of ISI only month ago to make the minorities voiceless and present Christian vote bank to forces of their choice. And PPP and APMA is the clear picture of government's secret agreement with PPP. Mr. Nazir S Bhatti said that APMA chairman was not able to be successful on even councilor seat in Faisalabad because he have never enjoyed the Christian voters support and this is the only reason that so called leaders were against the separate elections and demanded joint elections to use back door to reach in power through these Muslim political parties. Expressing his vies on Sindh APMA leaders press conference in Hyderabad, Mr. Bhatti said that these Christian leaders have no principal in life but they have deceived Christians for their vested interests. Its shameful act of these Christian leaders that they never resigned from their Sindh Assembly seats to protest against separate elections and in favor of joint elections when they begged for votes and reached in assembly through separate elections and now they condemn the separate elections by which they earned millions of rupees and permits of liquor shops on bargains on principals. Mr. Bhatti said that Michael Javeed and Salim Khokhar are tools of administration. Mr. Nazir S Bhatti said that Christians shall not accept this PPP and APMA alliance but they reserved right to decide to cast votes in these elections under joint elections. Mr. Bhatti said the leadership of Christians on votes of Muslim leaders in parliament should be touts of feudal lords and bureaucracy not of general Christians. Mr. Nazir S Bhatti appealed to Christians to join PCC campaigns to condemn these joint election forces and to make collective decision to participate or not to participate in elections under joint electorate.

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"Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" By Nazir S Bhatti

On demand of our readers, I have decided to release E-Book version of "Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" on website of PCP which can also be viewed on website of Pakistan Christian Congress www.pakistanchristiancongress.org . You can read chapter wise by clicking tab on left handside of PDF format of E-Book.

nazirbhattipcc@aol.com , pakistanchristianpost@yahoo.com