Christians have lost interest in elections 2002. PCP Special Report.


The elections 2002 are in progress to October 10 without any enthusiasm and swing as witness by the people of Pakistan in previous elections. Its only weeks to go for polls but still most of the political parties have not announced their election man

According to the election commission of Pakistan, on ten reserved seats in national assembly for the minorities there are 52 candidates. Majority among these candidates are of Hindu community who have been demanding these joint elections system. The Christian candidates among these 52 candidates are unknown persons who were never in political and social field of Christian community in Pakistan. The popular Christian leadership among community is out of elections this time due to conditions of graduation in these elections. Therefore, there is no part of Christian's interest in these elections. The Muslim political parties have no significant welfare programmes for the Christians and they have been demanding joint elections to capture the Christian vote bank and have been successful with the help oh Hindus and few Christian clergy elements, when majority of Christians have been very happy with the separate election system to elect their own representatives with their own votes. Its very bad situation for Christians of Pakistan when Muslim feudal lords are pressing upon the rural area Christian voters to vote for their Muslim political parties and threatening them of dire consequences after elections if not voted for their parties when there are dozens of Muslim parties in elections and every feudal lord is in connection with different group and candidates. The urban Christian voters are under more threats by the militant groups of Muslim political groups and every group's elements are approaching to Christian voters and demanding their right to vote for their Muslim party candidates. The most critical situation in these elections is for Christian women again after the joint election systems practiced in 1971, for the first time in Pakistan, after the independence of Pakistan. The so-called liberal group of women mostly runs the Muslim political parties campaigns. In this liberal group of women in Pakistan those Muslim women are in lead who run brothels and require political protection of their illegal prostitution business in higher society and in the centuries old customary restricted red light areas through out Pakistan. It's on record that before the joint elections of 1971, there was not a single Christian prostitute available in market when they were under the poverty line in Pakistan. The 1971 joint elections were the very first incident of approach of these Muslim liberal women toward Christian women, when they entered in the Christian colonies for election campaigns and compelled the true Christian faith women to establish illicit relations with Muslim community members to enter in the first phase of prostitution in Pakistan. It was the result of that contacts that 2.37% of Christian women were forced to marry the Muslim influential individuals in the 1977 survey. These newly wedded Christian women to Muslims men were forced to adopt the prostitutions and divorced when Muslim men have enough enjoyment with them. In these 2002 joint elections the sincere Christian leadership is much worried about the Christian faith of Christian women and youth. The Christian youth and women were socially protected under separate elections when they were approaching the Christian leaders for the petty and major issues to resolve. The 15 million Christians are confused that when they not demanded the joint elections why the government imposed this system on them and what were the reasons for clergy to demand these crucial types of elections for them. In the light of this situation the Christians have no interest in these joint elections of 2002 and they are in fear of threats by the majority political Muslim parties who plan to capture their vote bank on any cost.

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