Ignoring demand of Separate Christian Province shall endanger sovereignty and integrity of Pakistan


Karachi: May 4, 2012. (PCP) Dr. Nazir S Bhatti, President of Pakistan Christian Congress PCC expressed concern on ignorance of Pakistan Peoples Party PPP, Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz Group PML (N)

and MQM on frequent demands of formation of Separate Christian Province in their resolution in National Assembly of Pakistan for formation on new Four Provinces in Pakistan. Dr. Nazir Bhatti said “Pakistan was formed on religion grounds not on ethnic basis and who so ever, weather PPP, PML (N), MQM or any other Muslim group which plans formation of new provinces in Pakistan on other than religion is playing with fate of Pakistan and against ideology of Pakistan” Pakistan Christian Congress PCC demanded formation of Separate Christian Province in 1992, on division of Punjab, as an administrative unit in federation of Pakistan, claiming 2nd biggest religious community in Punjab after Muslims. PCC argued that rising violence against Punjabi Christians by Punjabi Islamists and treatment toward them as untouchables have forced Christians to have their own province where they may live with honor and dignity like other Muslims of Pakistan. PCC demanded formation of Separate Christian Province in South East of Punjab including desert of Cholistan where Muslims may also enjoy protection. Nazir Bhatti said “It was Christian vote in Round Table Conferences in London in 1930-32, which formed Pakistan, and it was Christian vote before Boundary Commission which enabled Punjab to fall in lot of Pakistan but after independence of Pakistan in 1947, Muslim majority conspired to corner Pakistani Christians and turned them as second class citizen” “Pakistan broke up in 1971, when religion bondage as ideology of Pakistan was denied by West Pakistani feudal lords which forced East Pakistan to declare independence on ethnic grounds and if again Pakistani feudal lords formed new provinces in Pakistan on ethnic grounds, the sovereignty of Pakistan will be at stake” added Nazir Bhatti Nazir Bhatti said that 20 million Pakistani Christian support formation of new provinces in Pakistan as administrative units of federation of Pakistan not on ethnic parameter. If Muslim political parties ignored formation of Separate Christian Province on division of Punjab then Christian struggle will take its own course said Pakistan Christian Congress Chief. Meanwhile, Central Executive Council of PCC in an urgent meeting discussed situation after resolution passed in National assembly on formation on new four provinces in Pakistan presented by ruling Pakistan Peoples Party PPP and rejected it. PCC Council passed a resolution demanding formation of Separate Christian Province on division of Punjab along with provinces of Southern Punjab Province and Bahawalpur Province. The statement of Nazir Bhatti released by PCC Central Secretariat in Karachi said that Pakistani Christian support formation of Tribal area Province, Hazara Province, South Punjab Province and Bahawalpur Province if Separate Christian Province is added.

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"Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" By Nazir S Bhatti

On demand of our readers, I have decided to release E-Book version of "Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" on website of PCP which can also be viewed on website of Pakistan Christian Congress www.pakistanchristiancongress.org . You can read chapter wise by clicking tab on left handside of PDF format of E-Book.

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