Still not Convinced

By : Stephen Gill

My letter of Aug. 30 to Mr. Vakily was to ask to clarify ambiguities in his write-up of Aug. 27, 2016 on page B5 where he attempts to prove that Islam is incompatible with terrorism, quoting the views of politicians and Hollywood personalities to support his thesis. When I underlined weaknesses in his thesis, he lists Islamic scholars in his letter of Sept.13. Weakness in his second attempt is easily noticeable. For readers to assess this weakness, I will say a few words about his first and the last scholars. To begin with, both these scholars have ties with terrorist groups and Saudi Arabia. The first name from the list of Mr. Vakily’s Islamist scholars is Cleric Shaykh Abdallah Bin Bayyah, Mr. Vakily’s “scholar of scholars”. Cleric Shaykh is alleged to have asked Muslim nations to aid Palestinian terrorists groups in Gaza militarily.” He “declared that Palestinian terrorists have the right to all kinds of resistance, including the use of weapons”, urging jihad. The story about his involvement is detailed in The Investigative Project on Terrorism of July 12, 2013 by John Rossmonds who affirms that ITP has uncovered evidence to support his story. The Investigative Project on Terrorism, founded in 1995, claims to be a non-profit research project and the world’s most comprehensive data centre on terrorist groups. The last name from the list of Mr. Vakily’s Islamist scholars is Dr. John Esposito who had ties with a Specially Designed Terrorist Organization. Middle East Forum, an independent tax-exempt non-profit organization from Philadelphia, gives the story of his ties with Sami All-Arian in Sept. 18, 2011 issue. He is referred to as “luxuriate in honors, including those bestowed by Saudi Arabia. As per Wikipedia, Sami- Al Arian “had been arrested as the alleged leader of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIT)…The PIJ was identified as an international terrorist organization, with cells throughout the world, that supports Jihad and martyrdom”. It appears that Mr. Vakily holds a different view on terrorism than the view by other faiths, particularly when it comes to beheading of an apostate and stoning women for adultery. The readers of the Standard-Freeholder deserve to know if he has used these ambiguities and weaknesses deliberately and also truth about his thesis on terrorism. Truth sets a person free. Stephen Gill

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