
Desecration of Quranic verses. By Abdul Aziz

ANNUAL reports of public limited companies containing Quranic verses found lying scattered on the floor of record room of Karachi stock exchange.
The logo of many banks containing Quranic verses are found on cheque books and deposit slip books. Such material is used in day to day business transacti


Christian student files petition against 20 marks for Hafiz-e-Quran students, Asks LHC to quash policy or make parallel policy for minority students. By Ali Waqar

LAHORE: A Christian student has filed a constitutional writ petition to the Lahore High Court (LHC) for instant action, under Section 151 of the Criminal Procedure Code (CrPC), against the policy of awarding 20 additional marks to a Muslim hafiz-e-Quran (who has learnt the Quran by heart) candidate


KCC urges Commonwealth leaders to help resolve Kashmir issue

Toronto – November 25, 2005 – On the occasion of the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in Valletta, Malta (November 25-27), the Kashmiri-Canadian Council (KCC) has urged the Commonwealth leaders to help the people of Kashmir to exercise their right of self-determination as promise


People involved in damaging churches in Sangla Hill arrested, CM tells Archbishop of Canterbury

LAHORE: Christians were playing a commendable role in national development and all minorities in Pakistan would be given rights equal to Muslims, Chief Minister Chaudhry Pervaiz Elahi told a delegation led by Archbishop of Canterbury Dr Rowan Williams at Chief Minister's Secretariat on Friday.



Female circumcision of 3 million a year in Muslim world

Cairo. November 26, 2005. Female genital mutilation is carried out on at least 3 million women and girls a year, mostly in sub-Saharan Africa and the Middle East, says a new Unicef report.
Nearly half of those circumcised, a tradition believed to enhance a girl`s beauty, tame her sexual desires, ma


Thousands flock to see meditating boy like Buddha.

Nepal. November 26, 2005. A teenage boy who has been meditating under a tree in the verdant forests of southern Nepal is attracting thousands of pilgrims who are convinced the youth is another Buddha.
Devotees flock daily to catch sight of Ram Bahadur Banjan, who sits cross-legged and silent with h


Stephen Gill’s Album officially released

Ontario, Canada. November 24, 2005. Dr. Kuldip Singh Kular, a member of the parliament of Ontario, released two CD albums of Stephen Gill at his riding office in Brampton, Ontario, on November 21 for Canada International Panjabi Sahit Academy (CIPSA). One album, titled A Selection of Interviews of D


10,000 attend outreach in Karachi organized by RTU in September to praise Lord and witness healings.

Germany: Missions agency Reach The Unreached (RTU) repeated last year`s outreach in Karachi with evangelist Bernd Goldbach. The following is an excerpt from their report:
Pakistan, a nation double the size of Germany, is, with 160 million inhabitants, the second-largest Islamic nation in the world.


Nomination for Bollywood Music Awards 2005 announced today, ceremony to be held in Trinidad.

The suspense over the nominations of the Bollywood Music Awards 2005, during the past weeks in Trinidad and Tobago, and the Indian Diasporas worldwide is finally over. Music lovers now know the best five performances by music artists as well as their choice of the best music director.
The performer


Global Council of Indian Christians condemn RSS leader Mr Sudarshan call to procreate more sons.

Banglore. November 21, 2005. The Global Council of Indian Christians GCIC, President Sajan George strongly condemned the statement made by RSS leader. He said that "the supremo of radical Neo-fascist Hindu organization`s(RSS) latest direction to Hindu women to procreate more to keep up the majo


Asian Human Rights Commission appeals to send letters to President Musharraf on Sangla Hill incident.

Hong Kong. November 21, 2005. AHRC appeals to concerned Christians, Muslims, Hindus and other religious communities to write to President of Pakistan and other administration officials to express their concern on incident of Sangla Hill. We update AHRC appeal letter for copying and sending to releva


Indonesian police arrest new suspect of beheading three Christian girls

Jakarta. November 19, 2005. Indonesian police said Saturday they have arrested a 23-year-old man on suspicion of involvement in the beheading of three teenage Christian girls in the religiously-divided district of Poso.
Police arrested Irfan Masuro in Poso in Central Sulawesi province last Sunday,


Christian family comes in the fold of Islam in Lahore. By Aamer Waqas

LAHORE. November 19, 2005 A Christian family comprising five members, embraced Islam on Friday at village Jhugian, near Bund Road. Father of three daughters and one son, Bashir Masih, now Muhammad Bashir, is the head of a middle class family, and is working with the Lahore Municipal Corporation. He


Julius Salik well before the earthquake had warned the Government on September 2, 2005 to be careful and had offered 30 black goats to Sacrifice them in order to prevent downfall

Islamabad: November 19, 2005. Former federal minister, nominee for Nobel Peace Prize and organizer Pakistan Human Rights Party, J.Salik addressing a Press Conference said that falling down of Speakers' chair in the National Assembly, inauguration in absentia by Prime Minister of Sector D-12 after 12


Sad news of Churches attack in Sagla Hill. Pastor Nazir Shad Masih write to PCP

Sangla Hill. November 18, 2005. This is time to pray for Christians in Pakistan. There was attack on Christian by Muslim On Saturday 12th Nov 2005 at 10 am in District Nankana Sahib, Tahsil Sangla Hill city, 40 kilometer from Faisalabad. More than 10,000 Muslim were involved to demolish the Christia

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"Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" By Nazir S Bhatti

On demand of our readers, I have decided to release E-Book version of "Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" on website of PCP which can also be viewed on website of Pakistan Christian Congress www.pakistanchristiancongress.org . You can read chapter wise by clicking tab on left handside of PDF format of E-Book.

nazirbhattipcc@aol.com , pakistanchristianpost@yahoo.com