The Palestinians instead of getting wasted in martyrdom syndrome should take mercy at least on their long suffering old people, women an
Indian Muslims can still shed un-Islamic cowardice and can move Supreme Court CJI for restoration of status-quo-ante of Babri masjid. By Hem Raj Jain
The IAMC should stop shedding crocodile tears for Indian Muslims and instead should ask INdian Muslims to shed un-islamic-cowardiceto and to file petition in SCI for for the restoration of status-quo-ante of Babri masjid (ii)- Constructing Ram Mandir by violating laws of the land as per guidance of Raja Ram is objectionable attempt to bring divinity to justify a mockery of justice and secularism of India
The shocking revelations made by the incumbent CJI (Chief Justice of India) in public meeting (During a felicitation ceremony in his native village of Kanhersar,) that he took guidance from Lord Rama ( Hindu God) for delivering judgement in Ayodhya dispute (as reported at ) have five very serious legal implications:-
(1)- This has made Justice Chandrachud liable to be impeached under Article 124 (4) of the Constitution of India (for proven incapacity) and removed from his office of Chief Justice of India because otherwise a Judge professionally incompetent with proven incapacity will not only remain on the bench in many cases to be decided in the SCI before he retires but he will also be the master of the roster for allocating the cases to various benches of the Judges.
(2)- It has rendered the November 9, 2019 judgment on Ayodhya dispute as null & void because one of the judges out of 5 judges on bench was of proven incapacity.
(3)- If Justice Chandrachud is not impeached then some day a Muslim Judge of Supreme Court may take guidance from Allah or a Christian Judge of Supreme Court may take guidance from Jesus Christ which will be a mockery of secularism of India.
(4)- Justice Chandachud legally objectionably made this revelation during electioneering in Maharashtra which has the potential of benefitting the ruling party BJP (Hindutva party in popular perception). Because what Justice Chandrachud revealed is tantamount to saying that - “when the Supreme Court (with plenary powers under Articles 141, 142 and 144 of the constitution) can’t run without the guidance of Hindu God (Lord Rama) then how the government of Maharashtra will run without Hinduism hence vote for BJP and its allies”. .
(5)- This revelation of the CJI has lowered the image of the most important institution the Supreme Court in the eyes of the people as is being discussed in mainstream and social media of India including by the judicial community (as given at( and and and and )
The said shocking revelation by Justice Chandrachudhas placed the Indian Muslims at the crossroad of History where they are expected to protect the rule-of-law and secularism of India (which they failed to do earlier) as given below:-
(1)- Like other Muslims the Indian Muslims & their leaders are never tired of saying that the Muslims fear no one else but Allah whereas out of Un-Islamic cowardice Indian Muslims didn’t file petition in the SCI (before inauguration of Ram Mandir at disputed site) for the restoration of status-quo-ante of Babri masjid as mention in my article and )
(2)- Now Indian Muslims can file a petition in the SCI for the restoration of status-quo-ante of Babri masjid and at the same time can mobilize member of Parliament of I.N.D.I.A. alliance led by the Congress party (which normally gets most of the votes of the community of about 200 million people, the Indian Muslims) for initiating impeachment proceedings in Parliament against justice chandrachud.
(3)- An US-based advocacy organization of Indian American Muslims. (IAMC) keeps on shedding crocodile tears for Indian Muslims (as reported at ) but now the IAMC should endeavor for effective solution and should ask the Indian Muslims to shed un-Islamic cowardice and to file petition in SCI for for the restoration of status-quo-ante of Babri masjid.
(4)- If despite Court order the Babri-masjid could be allowed by India to be demolished by goons (without any legal authority) in 1992 then in the interest of respecting the requirement of law the Babri masjid can certainly be even now constructed / restored by the SCI at the same dispute site.
(5)- Here one point about Sanatani Hinduism needs to be mentioned. Lord Ram is also known as Raja Ram (King Ram) and every king implements laws of the land therefore Raja Ram can never guide a Supreme Court Judge in a way which will pave the way for constructing a Ram Mandir at disputed site by destroying the laws of the land (after demolishing Masjid by goon despite court order for maintaining status-quo of the mosque and where Muslims were illegally denied (for 70 years) exclusive possession of the disputed site under section 145 Cr.P.C. because (as mentioned in the SCI 2019 judgment itself) the idols of Hindu Gods and Goddesses were kept in 1949 as mentioned also at ) .
It is hoped the Indian Muslims will rise to the occasion (by shedding un-Islamic cowardice) for protecting rule-of-law and secularism of India and (i)- Would file the said petition in the SCI for restoring status-quo-ante of Babri masjid before awarding any final judgment by the SCI in Ayodhya dispute and (ii)- Would mobilize Members of Parliament of INDIA Alliance for initiating impeachment proceedings against the CJI Chandrachud.
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