Speculations over Sheikh Hasina’s allegations can materialize if the US-establishment & US-Christianity REALLY take interest in carving out. By Hem Raj Jain


Sheikh Hasina may be wrong in assuming that the danger is over (ii)- Presently the USA is concerned over only one issue that is to address the Chinese threat to the role of the USA as a leader of free-world (iii)- The air base (If at-all  proposed by the USA) referred to by Sheikh Hasina may also be for addressing the said Chinese threat (iv)- Hence not merely a Christian country from part of Bangladesh, part of North-East of India and part of Myanmar but even entire extended SAARC region can be Christianized for achieving the new global order of NRBPEGO in the interest of addressing the present pressing issue of Chinese blockade of Taiwan (v)- India with plethora of anti-conversion laws wouldn’t be able to stop conversion of majority of Hindus to Christianity if the USA becomes serious about launching new global order of  NRBPEGO. 

– THe Prime Minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina has accused that there has been a plot to carve out a 'Christian State like East Timor'  using Bangladesh and Myanmar territory.  Although Sheikh Hasina did not specify which country made the offer and  she only mentioned that it came from "a white man" and implied it was part of a broader strategy affecting other regional forces as well, it is speculated in informed circles that - “Is Prime Minister Hasina referring to US”  because it is widely recognised that Prime Minister Hasina’s relationship with the US has been strained even before the recent elections” -  as mentioned at https://www.msn.com/en-in/news/world/foreign-nation-wants-airbase-in-bangladesh-carve-out-christian-state-hasina/ar-BB1n8jLg?ocid=BingNewsSerp  and https://www.firstpost.com/world/is-sheikh-hasina-hinting-at-us-role-in-christian-state-like-east-timor-plot-using-bangladesh-and-myanmar-territory-13774460.html .

 Sheikh Hasina might have issued this allegation by assuming that this danger is over because the country of this ‘White man” now has no leverage over Hasina government as January elections are already over and she is back in power through elections. Rather Sheikh Hasina is wrong, (in assuming that the said danger is over),  due to the reasons & circumstances as given below::-

(1)- Presently the USA is concerned over only one issue that is to address the Chinese threat to the role of the USA as a leader of free-world which has come under serious question especially after demolition of global order of the UN (which was sponsored by the USA in 1945) by Russia through UKraine war in which Russia is supported by China 

(2)- The air base (If at-all  proposed by the USA though not alleged so directly by Sheikh Hasina) then it  might have been also  for addressing the said Chinese threat to the leader of free world the USA

(3)- In addition to UKraine war, in which China is indirectly involved, another problem has arisen in the Pacific where China is directly involved by carrying out a blockade of Taiwan.  Hence not merely a Christian country from part of Bangladesh, part of North-East of India ( namely Manipur, Mizoram, Tripura, Meghalaya and Southern Assam) and part of Myanmar but even entire extended SAARC region can be Christianized for achieving the new global order of NRBPEGO in the interest of addressing the pressing issue of Chinese blockade of Taiwan  as mentioned at https://www.pakistanchristianpost.com/opinion-details/4397 

(4)- Moreover it is intriguing & puzzling that why the politicians & media etc of Taiwan are not telling the politicians of China (including Prez XI Jinping) that -”[why you want reunification of mother land that of China and Taiwan only by assimilating Taiwan in China rather why can’t this reunification happen through part by part  assimilation of China in Taiwan]”-  which Taiwan can do by assimilating different parts of China (like Tibet, Muslim Uyghers of Xinjiang, Hong Kong and many others  who are already against Chinese communist rule and their numbers are bound to increase with time)  one by one in Taiwan which will especially be much easier in the said new global order of NRBPEGO  which will protect (including militarily) the right to self determination [including secession in case where people are demanding secession  because they are criminally discriminated against, persecuted & harassed by the Chinese government on the basis of ethnicity, religion, language, ideology (democracy v/s communism) etc]. 

(5)- The above mentioned international law about demand for secession can be invoked by Kukis of Manipur too and Bangladesh will also support (can’t oppose)  international laws about secession because the then East Pakistan (now Bangladesh itself) came into existence with Indian military support in 1971 on the basis of its persecution & harassment by West Pakistan. 

(6)- In a nutshell if Taiwan decides to convince the USA that the USA should support Taiwan in the said reunification of the motherland of China and Taiwan by part by part assimilation of China in Taiwan then the said  Christianization of ‘Akhand Bharat’ (the extended SAARC)  will be absolutely necessary for the USA to achieve this NRBPEGO and for part by part assimilation of China in Taiwan. 

(7)- The task of the USA for carving out the said Christian country will become easier by exploiting  Manipur-violence (which is still going-on as reported at https://nenow.in/north-east-news/manipur-assam-rifles-destroys-three-bunkers-in-bishnupur.html#google_vignette ) where majority of victims are Christian Kukis who can be exploited by US-Christianity for helping it to establish the new global order of NRBPEGO . Because the Kuki people are an ethnic group in the Northeastern Indian States of Manipur Nagaland, Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura and Mizoram as well as the neighboring countries of Bangladesh and Myanmar. (as mentioned at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kuki_people )   Moreover dozens of churches have been desecrated and torched across the state as the majority of the tribals are Christians (as reported at https://thewire.in/communalism/bjps-communal-politics-has-deepened-historical-conflicts-in-manipur ) hence KUkis are demanding separation (as mentioned at https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/may/16/separation-is-the-only-answer-manipur-violence-fuels-calls-for-separate-state-in-india ). 

(7)- India with plethora of anti-conversion laws wouldn’t be able to stop conversion of majority of Hindus to Christianity if the USA becomes serious about launching new global order of  NRBPEGO by making a precondition for the membership of the said new world body (the NRBPEGO) that members will not put any hurdle (by its laws and constitution) in the path of religious conversion by free choice.

Therefore speculations over Sheikh Hasina’s allegations can materialize if the US-establishment & US-Christianity REALLY take interest in carving out the said Christian country AND MORE by exploiting prolonged Manipur-violence where majority of victims are Christian Kukis.

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