Ajmer Dargah Sharif, the Shrine of famous Sufi Saint Muin-al-din-Chisti popularly known as ‘Gharib Nawaz’(benefactor of poor
Indian Diplomats to the USA should criticize arrest of Students of Indian origin in USA for protesting for Palestinians in Gaza. By Hem Raj Jain
AS the Diplomats of the USA in India are concerned about health of democracy in India similarly the Diplomats of India in the USA should also be concerned about health of democracy in the USA (ii)- It seems Indian Diplomats are paralyzed because don’t want to anger Jewish Israel with which India has close relations (including defense ties) born out of anti-Muslim sentiments especially in present Hindutva govt at Delhi (iii)- When Congresswomen from my State of Minnesota didn’t do any thing to challenge and to call the bluff of unconstitutional laws about so-called anti-semitism then why should others be expected to do so ?
The White House itself wanted the genocide of innocent Palestinians civilians (including children, women and old people) stopped in Gaza hence wanted Gaza war to be stopped by Israel as reported at https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/3/12/gaza-war-how-biden-adopted-call-for-ceasefire-without-shifting-policy , But what is most unfortunate is the fact that now Prez Biden (instead of working for permanent solution through ‘one State solution’ as https://www.pakistanchristianpost.com/opinion-details/4352 to Palestine problem) is trying to prove that presently the White House is nothing more than a mouth piece of “disproportionately- powerfull-Jewish-lobby” in the USA that is why now Prez BIden terms the demonstrations in the Universities of the USA for stopping the genocide of innocent Palestinians civiliansas as anti-Semitism as reported at https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/biden-condemns-antisemitic-protests-on-college-campuses/ar-AA1ntfiT .
To be fair to Prez Biden and to Indian Diplomats in the USA when even the daughter (Ms Isra Hirsi ) of the Congresswoman from my State of MInnesota Ilhan Omar was arrested and expelled from College in the State of New York for such demonstrations , lLhan was expected to challenge the absurd laws about anti-semitism (as mentioned below in my letter to Ilhan) but she didn’t do anything ➖
Hon’ble Representative Ilhan Omar
1-1730 Longworth HOB, Washington, DC 20515
2- 310 E 38th St, Suite 222, Minneapolis, MN 55409
Assalam Alaikum!
Your Honor is House Representative from my State of Minnesota hence when I came to know from media that your daughter Ms Isra Hirsi along with other over 100 students were arrested by police (NYPD) and then were suspended from college on the charge of ant-semitism, I felt very bad / sad, insulted and outraged because Ms Isra Hirsi has been illegally harassed and punished by College / University authorities and by law enforcement authorities (police, the NYPD) and against the illegal actions of these authorities Your Honor ought to get justice for Ms Isra HIrsi by moving the Supreme Court of the USA by filing a writ petition primarily for Judicial review of the laws related to ani-semitism because all such laws are null and void being in violation of the US-Constitution, as given below:-
The anti-Semetism laws are against the US Constitution as is evident from this law too (https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/22/2731 ) which does not define ant-semetism rather equates it with anti-Judaism as mentioned at 5 (b) (3) of this act where it is mentioned that -” acts of anti-Semitism and anti-Semitic incitement for inclusion in the Annual Report on “International Religious Freedom”.
Moreover anti- semitism laws are legally expected to mention (by giving examples which has not been done hence such laws are null and void) that what type of activities on the soil of the USA are not permissible or are permissible as per fundamental right of free expression mandated by First amendment of the Constitution. (For example it will be legally & morally absurd & objectionable to punish the US-Citizens in case they express their opinion and sentiment on the soil of the USA in favor of 'right to return' of hundreds of thousands of Muslim Palestinians who were expelled by force from their native land or any form of their genocide by 'Jewish theocratic State of Israel')
In view of the above mentioned Your Honor is requested to kindly get the US-Supreme Court moved to
(i)- Get all the anti-semitism laws declared null & void being in violation of the US-Constitution.
(ii)- To get the suspension from the college of your daughter Ms Isra HIrsi, canceled.
(iii)- To get the cost and also damages & Compensation from the said erring authorities to Ms Isra HIrsi for her mental stress torture and loss of reputation caused by illegal activities of these erring authorities.
If Your Honor thinks that it will help then I am prepared to assist / help your Advocate (who will file / contest this petition in the US-Supreme Court) in drafting this petition and in fighting the case of this petition in the US-Supreme Court.
Hem Raj Jain
Shakopee, MN, USA
What is more surprising is the fact the US Ambassador to India criticized publicly the alleged loss of democracy in INdia (as reported at https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/cant-give-up-on-principles-us-envoy-to-india-on-caa-row-101710550395243.html ) but Indian Diplomats to the USA have not issued any public Statement against such blatant damage to democracy in the USA where students of Indian origin (potential hence highly likely the “Overseas CItizens of INdia’ the OCI Card holders) are persecuted in the universities of the USA fo exercising their right of free expression in the USA as reported at https://www.indiatoday.in/amp/world/story/indian-origin-student-arrested-banned-from-princeton-university-for-taking-part-in-anti-israel-protests-in-us-2531906-2024-04-26
It seems Indian Diplomats (i)-are not criticizing the USA on such unfortunate los of democracy in the USA and (ii)- are paralyzed - because they don’t want to anger Jewish Israel with which India has close relations (including defense ties) born out of anti-Muslim sentiments especially in present Hindutva govt at Delhi .
It is hoped the Indian ambassador and Consulates in the USA will shed their pusillanimity and ‘uncalled for cowardice’ and instead will issue strong statements against various authorities of the USA who are persecuting the students (including of Indian origin may be OCI card holders) who want atrocities on innocent civilians to be stopped in Gaza hence protesting in various universities of the USA.
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On demand of our readers, I have decided to release E-Book version of "Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" on website of PCP which can also be viewed on website of Pakistan Christian Congress www.pakistanchristiancongress.org . You can read chapter wise by clicking tab on left handside of PDF format of E-Book.