US-Military-Veterans (supported by basic Christian values) should ensure lives & blood given by Americans in Afghanistan don't go in vain. By Hem Raj Jain


Patriotic issue (of Afghanistan) and Christian values (as evident from temple cleansing by Jesus Christ), supported by the political party sponsored by US-Military-Veterans, bound to bring tremendous electoral benefits to it (ii)-  Saints and warriors have always shaped the destiny of the civilized world. 

After 9/11 in 2001 the USA remained in Afghanistan for 20 years (even after 2011 when Usama Bin Laden was killed in Pakistan) for the purpose of establishing democracy with universal adult franchise in Afghanistan. For accomplishing this mission the service members and others from the USA lost their lives in martyrdom in thousands, gave their blood & suffered injuries / disabilities and went through huge sufferings [ In Afghanistan reportedly about 2,500 US service members and about 3850 contractors were martyred more than 20,000 soldiers were wounded from the conflict, many of whom now live with permanent disabilities, similarly US-contractors too got injured]  

But due to betrayal of Afghans (especially their Pashtun leaders) the USA had to come back from Afghanistan in August 2021 in a way, without accomplishing this mission, which gives an impression as if the lives & blood given by Americans in Afghanistan has gone in vain. Such unfortunate and ethically objectionable situation needs to be rectified mainly by the ‘US-military-Veterans’ (as mentioned below) by launching or joining a ‘member based political party’ which can get ‘secular democracy with universal adult franchise’ established in Afghanistan by invoking ‘2011 Indo - Afghan strategic agreement’ as mentioned at:-

(1)-  Secularism in Afghanistan is also necessary otherwise the USA shall be committing the same mistake which it did during 20 years of its stay in Afghanistan and which empowered the Taliban. 

2)- Now the US-government has allowed thousands of Afghans to come and live in the USA due to threats from the Taliban. Generally it has been observed that the people who are allowed by US-government to come to the USA due to political trouble in their native countries don’t want to go back to their native countries which is quite understandable because the standard of living in the USA is much higher than what is available or even can be available in their native countries. 

(3)- Hence no-body says that such people (if they don’t want to) should go / be sent back to their native countries (even after the situation becomes normal over there). But it will be objectionable and will tantamount to taking the USA for granted if such people (the Afghans) don’t do enough (while in the USA) to normalize the situation in their native country. Therefore the Afghans should be mobilized by the Afghans in the USA to get permission from India (with the help of the said political party sponsored by US-Military-Veterans’) to establish the ‘Afghanistan government in exile’ in India and then for realizing the mini-SAARC - 2.

(4)- Here it is pertinent to add that the Sikh community (during the time of Maharaja Ranjeet Singh) ruled from Sutlej India to KPK of Pakistan (and was dislodged from power by Britishers and not militarily by Muslims) but the Sikhs too (along with Hindus) were forced to leave Pakistan during partition in 1947 by communal politics. The said mini-SAARC - 2 will rectify such immense injustice done to the Sikh community. Hence Indians, especially the Sikhs in the USA will take special interest in motivating the Afghans in the USA to establish the ‘Afghanistan government in exile’ in India and then for realizing the mini-SAARC - 2.

(5)- For accomplishing this mission the said member based political party (existing or new) to be sponsored by US-Military Veterans should first have the target of sending maximum (to the extent possible) number of people’s representatives during 2022 mid-term elections and then to send its representative in White house and Governors and in all the legislative bodies (of Congress & in States) in 2024 general elections. To some, it may sound impractical but it is not so because most of the political parties in the USA are voter based parties (including Democrats and Republicans) but this political party sponsored by US-Military-Veterans will be member based political party. 

(6)- There are about 4 million (plus or minus 10 %) ACTIVE  members in two major political parties of the USA namely Democrats and Republicans (though their voter base is about 80 millions each out of which about half are registered voters). There are about 2 million US-Military-Veterans who will be the members of the said member based political party and (if other Americans are not counted) if each such member (the Veteran) brings even one more member (from his / her family or friends) then this political party will also have about 4 million ACTIVE members. 

(7)- During general elections the people talk about ‘Bible States’ which implies that in many States in the USA the political choice of the people is influenced by the religion (Christianity) they follow. In all the Gospels by Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, three messages are emphatic from cleansing of temple episodes (which makes the Christianity a pro-working class religion) namely egalitarian society, right to worship (spiritual growth) and sanctity of currency. But presently in the USA vulgar money power has become so dominant that it has severed the USA from basic human rights friendly Christian values. 

(8)-  If the said political party sponsored by US-Military-Veterans will think that by merely realizing mini-SAARC - 2 the communalism [comparatively milder of Hindus (including Sikhs, Buddhists and Jains as per Article 25 of the Indian Constitution) and comparatively severe of  Muslims] of mini-SAARC -2 will go away completely then it will be hoping against hopes. In order to eliminate the poison of communalism effectively & completely from mini-SARRC -2 this political party will have to ensure religious freedom in mini-SAARC - 2 through conversion out of free choice.  

(9)- The patriotic issue (of Afghanistan) and Christian values (as evident from temple cleansing by Jesus Christ) supported by the said political party is bound to bring resounding electoral success in the USA to the said political party sponsored by US-Military-Veterans for the simple reason that throughout the history of mankind two factors namely the saints and  warriors have shaped the destiny of the civilized world. 

It doesn’t require a genius of political science to understand that the said political party sponsored by US-Military-Veterans (inching towards grabbing the offices of President, Governors, Congress and State Legislatures by general election 2024) will easily be able to get ‘secular democracy with universal adult franchise’ established in Afghanistan much before 2024 and which only will ensure the lives & blood given by Americans in Afghanistan don’t go in vain.

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