
52% say no to Karachi YMCA University Project under present administration when 39% say yes to them.

He explains that due to participation of the general Christians in YMCA the Sindh government failed to take over the property of YMCA for the construction of New Sindh secretariat on the property and hesitations to renew the lease of the said valuable property. His concerns are on the limited member


Motives behind this new All Pakistan Minorities Alliance?

Now when Bishop John Joseph is not with us and Bishop Coots have openly declared that he is without funds, the new alliance have been formed to involve the other denominations to provide funds to CLF but unfortunately in the said meeting of this Alliance on 14 July at Islamabad, there is no other na


United platform for south Asian minorities.

Even though as a percentage there are more Christians in Pakistan than in India (10% vs. 2.4 %) in India Christians have been the head of the Army, navy, Air force, Supreme Court. How many Pakistani Christians have held the same post in Pakistan? We have never had electorates on the basis of religi


Christian bonded labour in sindh farms and cline brick industry of Punjab.

1. Convention on the Rights of the Child.
2. International Convention of the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid
3. International Convention against Apartheid in Sports.
4. UN Declaration n the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination.
5. Convention on the Preventio


65% vote to cancel liquor distribution permits on religious grounds in Pakistan.

This is the report of only one outlet in Pakistan and we have presented the survey report of this shop in particular because it is situated in the heart of cantonment vicinity of Rawalpindi where the general headquarters of armed forces of Pakistan are in view and at minutes walking distance along


Pakistani preacher with secret identity in USA.

Its preferred to call Jesus for Muslims a movement rather than organization when churches are recommended as organizations and more involved in structural and administrative activities to bind congregations than aiming at real evangelistic works and Jesus for Muslim seems to be like warriors of Chri


The so-called pressure groups of Pakistani Christians abroad.

If we discuss the Pakistani Christian groups claiming to be the pressure groups to adopt this passive form of political action form to highlight their acts fail to prove falling within the definition of pressure groups.

Very firstly these groups abroad are formation of integration defying the bas


Need of Christian University in Pakistan

According to statistical data of Christian population, only 6% have the primary school education only able to read and write, 4% of Christians have the high school education that they are eligible to compete on grade 4 pay scale jobs in government and semi government institutions, 1% Christians have


Death of M Joseph Gill is great loss of Christian's nation in Pakistan.

He was the first and last leader among Christians to rehabilitate thousand homeless poor Christians in the metropolitan city of Karachi during his councillorship but left no shelter for his family when passed away last week. He was the first and last Christian leader in Pakistan who is there whereve


Youth is positive alternative to present Christian leadership in Pakistan.

For instance, its crystal clear fact which we are not ready to accept some time and whenever these fact surface from any corner we take it personally and term it as an anti Christian drive. Its also facts that truth is not easy to be swallow but were still have the time to visualize our situation wi


Majority votes says that Government agencies or Muslim militant groups martyred Bishop John Joseph.

Bishop John Joseph was Christian spokesman on national and international forums and government of neither Pakistan nor the extremist militant groups in Pakistan liked his voice against the blasphemy laws. The Christian social, religious and political elements used his contacts and funds for their pe


Once again another referendum in Pakistan for power.

Its very important questions for nation to discuss that why always the referendums by military rulers to prolong their rule in Pakistan? For instance the claimed made by General Mushraf in his speech are true then he might have adopted democratic means to become the President of of packets and calle


Future impact of PAT invitation to Christians to offer prayers in mosque.

This step seems very daring on part of PAT but lost its importance being taken during forthcoming process of national general elections and pointed as election stunt by the opposition Muslim religious parties of PAT. Of course it's the first step in south Asia of its kind where religious communities


Majority of Christians vote against abolishment of minority seats in parliament.

More over the government backed up the idea for reserved seats by allocating more seats for women and introduction of new category of reserved seats of technocrats instead of only abolishing the minority reserved seats. This very important issue that why government abolished the minority seats in p


Security of Christian leaders in Pakistan.

Within the first ten years of this constitution the riots among victims of 4th amendment were the beginning and introduction of violence in peaceful Pakistani society and till now the oppression in different shapes has been experienced by the small in numbers than this majority sect of Muslims by th

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"Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" By Nazir S Bhatti

On demand of our readers, I have decided to release E-Book version of "Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" on website of PCP which can also be viewed on website of Pakistan Christian Congress www.pakistanchristiancongress.org . You can read chapter wise by clicking tab on left handside of PDF format of E-Book.

nazirbhattipcc@aol.com , pakistanchristianpost@yahoo.com